Jubal: Bad enough on its own but spiked wtih a toxin ...
Isobel: It's enough to kill the entire state of New York.

Body is old, which means so are our leads. So let's get busy.


Tiffany: How's Gemma?
OA: Ah, she's good. But that was Maggie. She's still in Ohio with Ella. They're having fun but she's definitely ready to get back.

Isobel: It's not a slam dunk but it gives us a fighting chance.
OA: That's all a soldier wants.

So apparently irony isn't dead. We have a dentist who won't open his mouth.


Garrett: Those four men who call victims have blood on their hands. Their deaths made the world a better place.
OA: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Garrett: It means I'm at peace.

Florida -- Come for the beaches, leave with the explosives?


Jubal: Wait, uh, you gave these terrorists entry so Leo Grant could find a way to make even more money?
Kates: In a way. In truth, Leo is acting as a proxy for the government.

I don't care if you're the third richest man on the planet. You do not want the FBI as an enemy.

Isobel [to Grant]

One, how is that even possible? And, two, why are [the Taliban] here?


Tiffany: So enough of these games. Who is this man they abducted?
Grant: Look, I really can't talk about it. It's above your pay grade.

Tiffany: I'm glad Maggie's getting some time off, too.
OA: Seriously.

FBI Quotes

Maggie: I never saw Emmett Grant, but I can't get him out of my head
OA: A lot of people made it out of that building because of you. That matters.

OA: I haven't seen grenades like these since West Point.
Maggie: These are U.S. Army?
OA: Not anymore. They got way more high tech stuff now.