Rohit: The evil King Ravana has taken Sita away in his fire-burning Vimana.
Ram: The Vimana is his spaceship.
Rohit: And so Ram --
Ram: That's me. I'm Ram.
Rohit: That's right.
Rohit: And Ram becomes friends with Hanuman, the monkey god, and together they defeat King Ravana and rescue Sita, and Ram becomes king. And Ram is given the fire-burning spaceship. It is as bright as the sun, and the excellent chariot rises up into the atmosphere, higher and higher, to the stars, to the Moon, and to Mars.

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AWAY Season 1 Episode 4: "Excellent Chariots"
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AWAY Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

You know, when I was little, kids used to say that when people died, they'd go up into the sky. And I was like, "No, that's where my mom goes. She's not dead; she's an astronaut."


Matt: I'm sorry. I... I know I should be grateful for what I do have.
Walt: We're all on different journeys, Matt. There's no need to apologize.