One Final Case - The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 10
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Lea asks Glassman how long he's known. The doctor found it on the yearly scan a few weeks ago. He has three to six months to live. Lea asks what is his plan. He says nothing, just to spend his remaining time with them.

Shaun abruptly announces he's going to work and adds that last time it was also supposedly inoperable. He leaves. Glassman is aware Shaun took his medical file with him.

Shaun attempts to brief the team without sharing Glassman's identity but they all know it's him. Lim leaves to talk to Glassman, who says after he dies she can be sole CEO. 

Claire is diagnosed with an ifection at her surgical site. While getting further surgery to correct it, Jordan is upset that Jared didn't tell him Claire was his ex. He didn't think she was interested because of Danny.

Shaun insists on researching treatments. Park suggests calling Cleveland Clinic. Shaun runs off and Park tells Morgan they have to keep trying until Shaun accepts that there's no treatment.

Claire's infection is not responding to treatment. Lim reassures her that her body could still fight it off, but notices Claire is sweating.

Morgan asks GLassman for a paper clip from his office. She remembers how overwhelmed she was when she was diagnosed with RA but he paper clipped her info together and that helped make it manageable.

The team wants to give up but Charlie finds a solution for Glassman. Shaun proposes it to him but has to go take care of Claire.

Claire asks to be put into a coma and is aware she could die.

Glassman refuses treatment. He'd rather spend six good months with Shaun than a year in pain in the hospital.

Shaun refuses to give up, Park says that's up to him.

Lim hugs Claire goodbye in case she dies.

Shaun is pacing back and forth trying to do both cases at once. Lim says Claire wants to say goodbye to him. He is busy with Glassman's case. Lim yells at him that Claire could die and Glassman IS dying. Shaun gets an idea how to help Claire. He wants to search through pages and pages of info to find viruses that will kill the specific bacteria Claire is dealing with.

Claire's infection gets worse and Jared thinks her arm should be amputated. Lim wants to try a thrombectomy first.

Shaun goes to see Glassman with a new treatment idea. Glassman tells him to give up already. Shaun starts unpacking GLassman's things and says Glassman is wrong. Glassman says Shaun needs to let him go. Shaun says Glassman is a coward and is abandoning all of them by giving up. If Glassman is giving up on him then he will give up on Glassman. He storms out.

Glassman visits Lea who says that Shaun will come around eventually and hugs Glassman.

Claire is getting worse and Jared insists her arm should be amputated. Shaun says but she loves surgery. Jared says she will be fine without an arm.

LEa tells Shaun he has to accept that Glassman is dying.

Shaun goes to say goodbye to Claire. Charlie comes in and says she found the right bacteria. However, the FDA refuses the treatment. Shaun says to prep Claire anyway.

Shaun calls Glassman and Lea to talk to him. He says he accepts Glassman is dying and will go with him to the carousel he used to take Maddie to but not today because he has to save Claire. He will illegally give her medical treatment and then surrender his license and that's okay.


The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 10 Quotes

I have to go to work. Last time they also said it was inoperable. Goodbye.


Lea: How long have you known?
Glassman: A few weeks. My doctor found it on my yearly scan.
Lea: How long?
Glassman: 3 to 6.
Lea: Years?
Glassman: Months.

  • Permalink: Months.
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