Bobby Listens - 9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 8
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Bobby speaks at an AA meeting, where he talks about gratitude and feeling like he doesn’t deserve the life he has now.

After he’s finished, Amir gets up to speak about being in an apartment fire ten years ago in Minnesota. He says he became a nurse to help others, but seeing someone from the past has put him back into a place where he’s filled with rage again.

In 1981 Minnesota, a young Bobby Nash sits with his mom and brother, Charlie, as his father, Tim, gets an award for bravery in firefighting. At the after-party at their home, Bobby’s mom questions Tim’s drinking, which he ignores. Bobby then gives his dad a homemade scrapbook he made for him titled ‘My Dad The Hero.’

After Bobby’s mom follows after her eldest son, who doesn’t get along with his father, Tim lets Bobby have the rest of his drink, which Bobby throws up on the floor.

When Bobby returns home after the AA meeting, he’s pleased to see May home, and he, Athena, Harry, and May have dinner together.

That night, Athena wakes up alone in bed and finds Bobby in the dining room on the computer. He shows her a picture of Amir and his wife, who was the 57th victim of the apartment fire.

He tells Athena about what happened at the meeting and tells her that he needs to make amends with Amir.

Bobby goes to the hospital to look for Amir and discovers from a nurse that Amir has already moved on, as he’s a traveling nurse and was taking a month off to help at a migrant encampment. He discovers Amir helps an organization of relief workers who help migrants.

Bobby tells Athena he’s going to Jamcumba to talk to Amir.

Once Bobby arrives in Jacumba, he asks someone working for The Safe Path Project about Amir. She tells him Amir was out looking for a pregnant woman but hasn’t returned in two hours.

A truck pulls up with the pregnant woman and a man with a severe laceration on his abdomen. Bobby helps them both, discovering that the man jumped out of a moving car driven by coyotes.

Bobby then travels to the desert to look for Amir.

In 1981, the Nash parents are arguing, and Bobby’s mom, Ann, tells him that they’re leaving, but Bobby chooses to stay with his father, even after Tim slaps Charlie during the ensuing argument.

Bobby sees a truck on the side of the road and pulls over to find a man dead inside. He travels further and comes upon a smoking truck, which looks to belong to the Path Project. He sees blood on the ground and follows it into an abandoned diner. Amir then comes up behind him and holds a knife to his throat before Bobby tells him who he is.

Amir tells him he got shot in the shoulder, and Bobby discovers he was responsible for the dead man in the truck who was firebombing his vehicle.

Bobby helps Amir stabilize his arm, and as they’re reading to depart, a cartel comes armed with guns and descends upon the diner.

Bobby and Amir make it out of the diner and hide in the desert.

In Minnesota, Bobby prepares dinner for himself and his dad, complete with making his dad a drink. Tim realizes he missed work, having no idea what day it is, and Bobby tells him he called in sick for him.

Bobby watches from afar as the cartel leaves the diner, and he and Amir talk about why Bobby’s out there. Amir says he doesn’t want anything from him and that he came to the meeting to size him up and figure out how he’s able to carry on after the pain he caused.

Amir tells Bobby where to go to get help and then reluctantly allows Bobby to help him up before the two walk together.

In Minnesota, Bobby calls 911 as the oven is on fire, and he can’t wake his dad up. Firefighters come to pit it out, and Tim gets mad at Bobby, telling him that if he gets fired, it’s his fault.

Having walked miles, Bobby and Amir reach a road where they can flag down a truck. The man, Herman, says he’s a rancher and offers to take them to his place to get help.

While in the car, Bobby sees a picture of Herman with the man who shot Amir. Herman takes a call over the radio in Spanish, and Amir tells Bobby that the cartel will be waiting at Herman’s house when they get there.

When Herman tries to pull out his gun, Bobby wrestles him over the steering wheel, causing the truck to crash.

In Minnesota, Tim tries to get into Bobby’s bedroom to apologize, but the door is locked. Bobby then puts his headphones in, while Tim goes into the living room and trips, hitting his head on the coffee table.

Bobby pulls Amir out of the truck and puts together a sheet pulley as he pulls Amir’s body through the desert until his body begins to give out.

In the past, Bobby finds his father’s dead body.

The relief workers, along with migrants, find Bobby and Amir and get them to the hospital. Athena comes to get Bobby, and Fernanda tells them how they found them in the desert. She also says Herman survived the crash and was taken to another hospital under police custody, as he’s willing to flip on the cartel.

Bobby finds Amir in the hospital and tells him he doesn’t expect forgiveness, as he can’t erase the damage he caused. Amir says every time he helps someone he’s trying to save his wife, and he wonders who Bobby has been trying to save all these years.

In the past, after Tim’s body is taken away, the firefighters offer to stay with Bobby until his mother arrives, but he declines. After they leave, he goes into the kitchen and pours himself a drink.

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9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 8 Quotes

Bobby: When I think about that night, I always count the bodies. The lives lost. But I never counted the survivors. The people left behind.
Athena: You were battling your own grief.
Bobby: Step nine. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible. I need to make amends.

Athena: Handsome couple. Do you know them?
Bobby: I killed her.