Heroes Commentary: A Waste of Adam Monroe

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Welcome to our weekly critique of Heroes.

It's a show we love - as we often must remind readers that misinterpret our analysis - yet it's one that can be awfully aggravating in its lack of logic and/or misuse of characters.

The focus is on the latter issue this week, as the death of Adam Monroe at the hands of Arthur Petrelli has our staff lamenting what might have been... and what used to be.

Monroe was the main villain last season. With Sylar sidetracked, the man formerly known as Takezo Kensei seemed like the perfect focus for the show. He and Hiro had great chemistry, that's for sure.

Adam and Arthur

It may have taken too long for him to escape feudal Japan, but eventually Monroe was established as a former member of The Company, a man imprisoned by Mr. Nakamura for his desire to destroy the world through a virus.

That plan was thwarted in the season two finale, of course, as Hiro and Ando buried Adam alive. It was seemingly the only was to kill someone with his powers.

And we wish Monroe had either remained in that coffin, or had been used in a more effective way this season. Instead, here's what transpired:

  • Angela Petrelli told Hiro to dig up his former nemesis because he'd - in some unexplained way - help Hiro track down the formula;
  • Monroe was then captured by another villain, Knox;
  • He was taken to Pinehearst and killed by Arthur Petrelli.

Really? That was the best story line the writers could come up with for an actor such as David Anders? This will only make sense if Angela is eventually shown to be on the same side as her ex-husband and was orchestrating Monroe's offing as a way to give him back life.

Even if that's the case, though, it doesn't make Hiro any less of an idiot for blindly following her advice.

Now, viewers are left with bad guys such as Knox and that guy who makes fire with his hands. They've spoken maybe six words between them.

For a chapter titled "Villains," it seems awfully silly of the show to rid itself of someone such as Monroe, a villain with a solid back story that we've actually gotten to know over the last year.

Agree? Disagree? We welcome all feedback!

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys