Mad Men Quotes from Season One

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The first season of Mad Men earned rave reviews - and the Emmy Award for Best Drama - due to its perfect reflection of the 1960s.

As proven by our collection of Mad Men quotes, the show captures the way men and women spoke during this unique era.

Enjoy the examples below, and then follow the link above to vote on your favorite one-liners from the series...

Roger Sterling: Look, I want to tell you something because your very dear to me and I hope you understand it comes from the bottom of my damaged, damaged heart. You are the finest piece of ass I ever had and I don't care who knows it. I am so glad I got to roam those hillsides.
Joan: Stop it.

Don Draper: I hate to break it to you, but there is no big lie, there is no system, the universe is indifferent.
Don Draper Photo

Betty: I liked your girl Peggy. She's fresh.
Don: As the driven snow.

Don Draper: What you call love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons.

Don Draper: Advertising is based on one thing, happiness. And you know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a new car. It's freedom from fear. It's a billboard on the side of the road that screams reassurance that whatever you are doing is okay. You are okay.

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?
Roger Sterling Picture

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
