Grey's Anatomy Review: "Blink"

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Grey's Anatomy finally returned last night after more than a two-month layoff, and probably packed two months worth of drama into a two-hour crossover with Private Practice.

If you missed any of the drama, here's our official episode guide (we're working on quotes and music as well). Now, here's our take on the events of Thursday night's "Blink" ...

Derek treats Seattle's pro quarterback who suffered an ugly on the field - and lives in fear of getting hit every time he steps on it. He confides he doesn't want to play anymore.

Just two years into his pro career, he feels he can't let down the fans. Derek finds a way out for him - a knee replacement that would end his career and wouldn't be "his call."

When he's not saving lives, McDreamy's doing some sleuthing, determined to figure out what's going on with the Chief. He picks up on the fact that Richard's scared of surgery.

He pushes Chief into taking the QB's spleen operation (the original reason he was admitted), and when Richard doesn't show up, Derek wonders even more just what's going on.

The Chief, meanwhile, has been watching old films of Ellis Grey surgeries ... like game film. It's a tad weird. Meredith later confesses to Derek that the Chief's drinking again.

He's Just So McDreamy

There's also a side plot involving Alex, who allows Reed to assist in the surgery, presumably if she'll hook up with him. Both are kind of playing games. More on that later.

Teddy gives Cristina the keys to a solo cardiac surgery, and Yang is stoked, but when the patient starts to crash on the table, Teddy won't even look up from her magazine.

She's trying to push Yang to learn on her own, prompting Owen to ask if Teddy didn't step in because of the situation between them. Presumptuous ... but a little true?

Later, Owen crushes Cristina by telling her Teddy's leaving Seattle. Cristina chases after Teddy and begs her to stay. Whatever she wants, Yang will get. Teddy's response:

"I want Owen!"

Shocking as Teddy's statement was, it paled in comparison to Cristina's apparent willingness to comply with the request. This love triangle is clearly just getting started.

Mark's daughter, Sloan, is still living with him and Lexie, and he's embraced his role as a father, which is driving Lexie insane. There's also a problem with Sloan's baby.

Some amniotic tissue is threatening its limbs. Get me Addison Montgomery, Mark announces, because there are no other neonatal surgeons. Sorry, just had to go there.

Teamin' Up

Addison arrives in Seattle, but when she discovers an AVM (a tangle of blood vessels) that make the surgery more difficult, a worried Mark orders her to shut things down.

Of course, he later changes his mind, rethinking things and deciding to take Sloan to Los Angeles so Addison can try the operation again ... after she was just in Seattle.

Perhaps more significantly, Mark invites Sloan to live with him permanently, saying they can raise the baby together. He offers this without even asking Lexie's opinion.

After an emotional argument, Mark asks Lexie not to make him choose, because he'll choose Sloan. Burn! She tells Mark their relationship just ended. Burn right back!

She takes refuge at Mer's house. As does Alex, who did not hook up with Reed, but says he needed to get out of the trailer. The two of them kiss as the episode ends.

Follow the link to pick up the action in our Private Practice review!

What did you think of last night's Grey's Anatomy episode?

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Episode 11 Quotes

Ask any physician and they can point to the one moment they became a surgeon.


I'm a surgeon and I'm looking at a time bomb in a uterus. Shut it down now, Addison!
