Private Practice Quotes: "Another Second Chance"

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Following the return of Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice made its '10 debut last night with many memorable moments as we discussed in our review of "Another Second Chance."

From Mark and Addison's romantic reunion to Cooper and Charlotte's bitterness, there was no shortage of drama. Check out some Private Practice quotes from Thursday below ...

Struggling Inside
Addison: If you're still in love with the Grey girl, go back to Seattle. | permalink
Addison: Have you ever considered adoption?
Sloan: Like when you pick parents from the Pennysaver?
Addison: No, that's just in Juno. | permalink
Cooper: The problem is you are a sex toy I found on the Internet. | permalink
Charlotte: It's not my fault you are not a man. | permalink
Charlotte: You are gonna have to look in the mirror because the pot is definitely calling the black. Screwing is all you do. | permalink
Mark: What the Hell do you care, Sam?
Sam: I just care. | permalink
Addison: I care about Mark Sloan. I loved him once... sure, he's got a screwed up moral compass. But so do I. | permalink
Addison: When did we get so...
Mark: OLD!
Addison: I was gonna say "sad." | permalink
Naomi: Hi. Did you sleep with Mark Sloan on the floor of your office? | permalink
Dell: Grown-ups are supposed to know what to do, but when we get scared sometimes, we don't. | permalink

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Private Practice Quotes

I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
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