Greek Review: "The Big Easy Does It"

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Tonight's Mardi Gras themed episode of Greek, called "The Big Easy Does It" was quite the party indeed! This episode was chock full of drama and laugh out loud moments that reminded me why I love this show so much.

Check out our recap and the quotes section to catch up on it all!

Ashleigh and Casey

I thought that the writers were taking the high road when they didn't have Casey falling for newbie Joel. I thought wrong. He makes his move in tonight's episode, but she almost lets him. Almost. And he asks a very good question: why would she spend all this time with him and never tell him she had a boyfriend?

The tension between Cappie and Casey is tearing away at their relationship, but it's killing me! Something's gotta give, because those kids have got to make it, dammit!

Back to the fun parts of tonight's episode: Rusty is kitty-Kat nip! 

As Katherine puts it so eloquently,

I think you are a great person and we have had one relatively successful date. And I do not want to go to Yale a virgin, so I have decided to lose my virginity to you, tonight, if you are amenable. | permalink

Rusty is given a true blessing: a "sure-thing" Mardi Gras date, when Katherine decides she wants to lose her virginity to him. He could just accept it gracefully, but instead he talks about it with EVERYONE. Cappie tells him he's in a great position since she has no expectations. Casey tells him Katherine has every expectation in the world, and he's going to blow it.

I don't know what he's supposed to think when he realizes her girlhood fantasies have been about Al Gore. Seriously? I think most girls get Bill Clinton - but Al Gore? Katherine is a special, special girl. Ultimately, Rusty decides he can't be the guy Katherine uses to end her virginal days. Not sure if that makes him a "good" guy. Cause there's nothing really sexy about a girl who curtsies and says she can't wait to get this over with.

But that's ok! Dana revealed to Rusty she's still into him, and the chemistry between them is undeniable. And anyway, I'm pulling for a Katherine-Beaver relationship! Opposites attract! Who do you think will match up?

So many great quotes this episode! Check out some of our favorite quips here:

Cappie: Spitter, do you know what Mardi Gras is?
Rusty: It's French for Fat Tuesday which is a culmination of a carnival period beginning with the Twelfth Night.
Cappie: Wrong, it's a time when we try to get girls to show us their boobs for beads. | permalink
Rusty: Not only do I have a chance to be her first, I'm guaranteed to be her best. | permalink
Calvin: What would you say if I told you I knew of a way for you to make a whole lot of money for one night's work?
Evan: I'd say you want to harvest my organs.
Calvin: No, Gentleman's Choice needs a little extra help tonight.
Evan: Oh, you want to harvest THAT organ. | permalink

The Big Easy Does It Review

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Greek Season 3 Episode 17 Quotes

Calvin: What would you say if I told you I knew of a way for you to make a whole lot of money for one night's work?
Evan: I'd say you want to harvest my organs.
Calvin: No, Gentleman's Choice needs a little extra help tonight.
Evan: Oh, you want to harvest THAT organ.

No expectations? Are you two crazy? She's had 21 years to build up her expectations! And she's not some normal girl who only learns about sex from teen vampire movies. We're talking about Katherine. You're competing with Robert Pattinson AND Lady Chaterlee's Lover.


Greek Season 3 Episode 17 Music

  Song Artist
Keep It Cool U.S. Royalty iTunes
Show Me Around His Mischief iTunes
Where Are You Now U.S. Royalty iTunes