Lost Review: "The Last Recruit"

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The island isn't done with us yet.
We're done going back.
Everything is gonna be okay. You're with me now.

This episode of Lost was the most action-packed, fast-paced of the season. But while it featured a number of memorable, intriguing quotes, something Macbeth said sums up "The Last Recruit" more than anything uttered by Sawyer, Jack or Locke:

The hour felt like a lot of "sound and fury... signifying nothing."

As we move toward the final episodes of the series, this installment was used to move various pieces into place for whatever looms ahead. In both the Island World and the Sideways World, characters made key decisions and took interesting courses of action - but nothing was actually resolved, conversations weren't finished and I was left feeling more frustrated than I've been all season long by a single episode.

Will it all come together? Yes. Are episodes such as this necessary in order to set things in motion down the line? Of course. Taken on its own, though, "The Last Recruit" left me unsatisfied.

Merged Camps

We did learn what so many of us suspected for awhile: Smokey has been Christian. That piece of information is enough to get one's wheels turning and wondering: As Fake Locke claims, has his appearances as Jack's father always taken place with the best interests of the castaways in mind?

Yes, he led Jack to water the first time he showed up. He also encouraged Locke to turn the donkey's wheel and brings the Oceanic Six back to the island. If Smokey needed this to happen, in order for them to bring a plane on which he could escape, he certainly was acting in his own interest. But does that jibe with anyone else's?

If the overriding question of season six is whether or not Fake Locke can be trusted, Sun's reaction at seeing real Locke in the Sideways World made it seem like the clear answer was: NO! She freaked out at the sight, undergoing her own near-death experience and seemingly having a flash of the island when she screamed, "It's him!"

That was the most gasp-worthy moment of the episode.

In the obligatory, weekly mirror scene, Jack also recognized Locke. But this could have been due to their meeting at the airport in the season premiere as much as any interactions on the island.

There wasn't a lot of mythology to analyze from "The Last Recruit," so let's list a few notes/observations/questions from the episode:
  • Did Sayid kill Desmond? It's very unlikely. Combined with Kate's talk with Claire, it makes it appear as if characters can be brought back from the dark side, Anakin-style. For someone as keen as Fake Locke has appeared to be, it seems equally unlikely that he actually believe Sayid. What does he have in mind for this confused assassin?
  • For an event as anticipated as the Jin/Sun reunion, it was certainly short-lived. It also featured one of the cheesiest lines in Lost history, as Lapidus made a point to remind viewers that Sun "found her voice."
  • Did she really lose it, only to regain it at the sight of Jin because that showed just how much he meant to her? If so: lame! We didn't need any gimmicks to make this reunion meaningful.
  • Lapidus as "chesty," though? One of our favorite Sawyer nicknames ever.
  • Did you watch Jack's reference, immediately prior to surgery, that Locke’s "neural sac" was "obliterated?" This brought us back to the series premiere, when Jack shared a story about this body part with Kate in his classic retelling of his scariest moment as a doctor. Interesting to note the complete dichotomy here, possibly spurred on by his son's love, of Jack reaction to the same situation with total confidence.
  • Fake Locke spoke to Jack and that instantly means Jack is "with" him, according to Claire. And according to what Dogen told Sayid at the beginning of the season. Is this meant literally? Does Smokey have some sort of unbreakable power of persuasion?
  • Desmond told Claire that she wants to be careful about her adoption because she could be a "irreversible" mistake. Jack told Locke in "LA X" that "nothing is irreversible." The moral of the season may be determining if this is actually the case.

What did you think of the episode?

It left me yearning for more Locke/Jack interaction, as it only makes sense for these two characters to be aligned and/or opposed as the series winds down. But with no new episode next week (sorry, it's true), I wish "The Last Recruit" had left me with more pressing questions about what I just saw and where it all goes from here.

The Last Recruit Review

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Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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