White Collar Summer Season Finale Review: "Point Blank"

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Last night's episode of White Collar ended in quite the shocking twist! But, before we get to that, let's review what happened in "Point Blank."

We finally got to see what was inside that music box, and of course, it was another secret code.

Neal on a Mission

Since this was the mid-season finale, I wouldn't expect anything less from Jeff Eastin. Last year at this time, Neal was being framed and had to jump out of windows to escape from getting arrested. This year, we can only imagine what the music code means to our guys.

Probably one of my favorite scenes from last night had to be when Mozzie and Neal put together the fake case for Peter. Each part of making the case authentic was awesome. From the coffee stain to the perfume to having Mozzie serenade Neal with the Batman theme song - all had me laughing out loud.

I was happy that Fowler finally gave us (some) of the answers we have been waiting to understand. Because it was Kate's idea to fake her and Neal's death with the bomb, do you still think there's a slight chance that she is not dead?

Fowler also made it clear that it was not him who she called right before the plane blew up; even though it was traced back to his phone number. So if Fowler is telling the truth, who could have made the switch of numbers on the black box?

It would have to be someone very cunning. Someone that's always been one step ahead of our boys. Could be Julian Larson?

I just want to take this moment to make a quick shout out to all of The Gates fans out there! How great was it to see our poor, late Christian alive and doing well on another program?! And by the looks of it, Paul Blackthorne will definitely bring it when this season comes back again in January.

The final scene really left me in shock! Of course, our beloved Mozzie can't die, but it was still quite disheartening to watch him topple over and suffer from the shot to the chest. Re-watching it, I noticed Julian getting something out of his pocket before he left him there to die. What do you think it could be?

Overall, I was happy the way the writers tied up all the loose ends, but still left us wondering what will happen next. What did you think of last night's episode? Love it or love to hate it - let us know!

Until January, we leave you with a few of our favorite White Collar quotes below:

Peter: Did you kill her?
Fowler: No.
Peter: You're gonna tell me who did. | permalink
Peter: Look at me Neal. Look at me. This isn't who you are. | permalink
Neal: I have five shots left - that's the only warning you get. Tell me why you killed Kate. | permalink
Mozzie: It's a dark day when I turn to the system instead of recoiling. | permalink
Hale: What happened to the goatee, you know I liked it?
Mozzie: We all grow up. | permalink

Point Blank Review

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White Collar Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

(speaking to the music box) We've been so close, but now we finally meet.


Peter: Is this a good idea?
Neal: You have a better one?