2 Broke Girls Review: Putting Chestnut to Use

2 Broke Girls Review: Putting Chestnut to Use

This week's episode has the girls using Chestnut to raise funds. The hipster guests and their cash are finally welcome in the diner, until one of the guest turns out to be Caroline's ex-boyfriend. What happened? Let's find out...
Posted in: 2 Broke Girls
Castle Review: A Kiss for Kaye

Castle Review: A Kiss for Kaye

Castle and Beckett work with Serena Kaye to uncover the murder at an art museum. Along the way, Castle finds himself attracted to Kaye; the two share a kiss in front of Beckett. How did she react? Find out now in our review!
Posted in: Castle
How I Met Your Mother Review: Mystery vs. History

How I Met Your Mother Review: Mystery vs. History

Ted and the gang debate the pros and cons of Mystery versus History when Ted decides to go on a true blind date. Did his friends help or hinder his big date? Read about the answer and Marshall and Lily's big revelation in our review.
Posted in: HIMYM