Being Human Review: Dream a Little Dream

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In "Dream Reaper," Sally made up a totally cool place to live. She had a groovy interior decorator, looked absolutely fabulous and was dating, well, herself in reaper form. It was easy to understand why she didn't want to wake up, even given her incredibly awkward positioning on the staircase.

As a Being Human viewer it was awesome to see her in different clothes showing off her figure, with a new hairstyle and what appeared to be a true smile on her face. I didn't even realize how difficult it was for her to grow when she was unable to change. I totally loved the way they incorporated her dream world with her live one through a chat on the computer. It was perfect.

In this technological age, what other way would you expect to communicate with, in this case, the living?

Reaping Out

So what I haven't figured out yet is if there ever was a reaper, or if Sally completely made him up in her mind. Was there a point when he was real and then just left her to her own devices and they were far worse than what he would have done to her anyway? I was especially lost when Reaper walked down the stairs during Zoe's mind meld. It was his eyes that went white and then Sally woke up. Real or not real? Yes, I'm actually asking that in a universe populated by a vampire, a ghost and a werewolf.

I thought it was weird that in her fantasy world, Sally's entire wardrobe was purple. What was the significance of that? I looked it up online and it said purple is the color of good judgment, and of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. I can get on board with the second thought, but not the first. When Sally saw the grey sweater in her closet and put it on, sparks of memory came back. I didn't need to look up grey to understand that.

Aidan and Josh trying to explain to Zoe they were a werewolf and a vampire was classic. Aidan had this pissed off look on his face and turned to her in a huff, fangs hanging, so she would get the gist of his predicament. He reminded me of a 10-year old girl trying to make a point to his mother. Once she got the hint that they really meant she'd be dinner if she didn't find Sally fast, Zoe stepped up her game.

The whole rescue of Sally was a complete and utter disaster. While Zoe was melding with Sally, Aidan fed on her. Josh was running around trying to figure out a way to save everyone from the wolf inside of him and Aidan was concerned with dinner. It was surreal, watching these monsters try to deal with the urgency of their plight. I was laughing out loud watching Aidan drink Josh, gag, love it and then vomit, all while Josh was worried that he didn't taste good enough, like a girl wearing the wrong perfume. Hilarious!

Really, you just had to see it. It's the stuff Emmy's are made of. The scene also provided some great Being Human Quotes, but both Josh and Sally were in a quote smack down for the evening.

While all Hell was breaking loose, Sally finally remembered she had already lived and the only way to get her death back was to tumble down the same stairs that got her there in the first place. The ultimate irony for our poor Sally, but she has become strong enough to handle it. Especially with her alter ego, Scott the Reaper, at her side. No, he didn't get away. Real or not, he doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

I thought it was a brilliant episode with the focus on our friends, how far they had fallen and how fractured their friendships had become. The sizzle of hot werewolf twins and the boredom of vampire politics weren't missed at all.

Dream Reaper Review

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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (45 Votes)

Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Being Human Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Did she just lock us in?


What's the non-corporeal equivalent of a glass of water in the face?
