Awake Review: Perilous Positions

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All realities collided in "Two Birds" - and things aren’t looking so good for Britten.

Britten's Is a Target

While I thought the conspiracy might be contained in the red reality, it’s looking more and more likely that may not be the case, and it shouldn’t be. The repercussions of the accident ripple out in both realities, and they both have lasting consequences on Britten because of it. Therefore, it then becomes a question of who can Britten trust, because he can’t involve his family, and both Dr. Lee and Dr. Evans refused to believe his predicament.

It’s hard not to blame them. Britten looks like someone who’s finally experienced a mental break. Jason Isaacs portrayed it physically as well. Many times a character that suffers a mental break still looks completely put together. Michael, on the other hand, isn’t clean-shaven and doesn’t look like he’s slept in days. Which would make sense because if he's sleeping he's potentially not in green, and that means he can't focus all of his energy on that conspiracy board in the garage.

Getting back to trust, since both doctors refused to help Britten, and, as I predicted last week, since the two of them refused to participate in the conspiracy things did get worse. Which makes Britten such a tragic character tonight. He’s so focused on this conspiracy and the why behind the accident that he’s losing sight of his realities. He’s put himself in peril on both sides, hovering near death on Red, and locked away for potential murder in Green.

Simply put, Britten’s put himself in a corner, Bird now has a target on his back (while the other is target practice – Rest in Peace Red Bird), and he’s one step away from his son and wife losing everything.

Harper continues to be an enigma, however, and just when it seems she might be interested in helping Britten she retreats back to covering her tracks. There’s a big, unknown grey area to her. In one scene she’s breaking down crying by herself, and in the next she’s grilling Vega (who finally grew a backbone and defended his partner!). It does open up a dichotomy though, as it seems in Green she’s at least somewhat interested in hearing Britten out. It might all be a clever ruse to learn what exactly he has so she can cover up her tracks, or it could another one of Awake’s underlying themes of small differences.

Real Reality Check

With so much going on tonight, it’s very hard to pick which side is real. With the conspiracy now bleeding over to Green, it’s even harder to choose. However, I’m choosing Green again only because Britten getting shot sent him back there.

Two More Thoughts

  1. As predicted, NBC has cancelled Awake. I’m certainly going to miss this world every Thursday, and I wish the cast and crew all the best in their future projects.
  2. Awake works so much better when there’s one unifying case. It’s too bad it took this long for the show to try that instead of constantly trying to juggle two different ones.

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Two Birds Review

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