Supernatural Round Table: "Survival of the Fittest"

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The Supernatural Season 7 finale was filled with double crosses and cliffhangers.

It left many fans absolutely speechless and set the stage for the show's much-anticipated move to Wednesday nights this fall.

Fortunately, our Round Table team of Carissa Pavlica, Carla Day and Sean McKenna can always come up with a lot to say. Follow along below as they do just that in response to "Survival of the Fittest."


Thoughts on the episode as a whole? Was it a good finale?
Carissa: It was a decent finale. I'm kind of annoyed with the boys always ending up in hell or purgatory and whatnot.  Especially when they spent all the time wondering whether Bobby would go all freaked out vengeful spirit on them. Why do they never come back as spirits? Why don't they die when they go to these places? Why are they just vacations? Hmmm... guess I'm complaining.

Carla: I agree with everything Carissa wrote. The finale was headed in a decent direction until the whole purgatory thing. Is it a rule that one of the brother's has to be taken from our world every so often? Not thrilled about that ending.

Sean: I thought it was good but still felt like something was missing. I'm just not sure how I feel about the Leviathan essentially being taken out so easily, (even if I've been not really a fan of these baddies.) I guess it closed certain things up and I like the potential final direction, but it leaves me hoping next season can come back recharged and refreshed.

Will Crowley play the big bad next season?
Carissa: Like I said, he will never be a big bad. I can't take him seriously. He just doesn't have it in him. He can be the big bad's sidekick, or an annoyance, or a partial bad, but never the ultimate bad.

Carla: I'd love to see Crowley more, but I'm not sure he has it in him to be a big bad.

Sean: He might want us to believe he is the big bad, but either he's playing puppeteer or someone else will out shine him. I do love when Crowley pops up though.

Is Bobby gone for good?
Carissa: If they're going to keep killing him and bringing him back, I'm not going to be happy. If sending Dean to purgatory somehow allows him to scoop Bobby back to the living and that's that, okay. But I don't want this up and down, here and there stuff. It gets to be too much.

Carla: Please let him be gone! Okay, the only exception would be if they bring him back as a live human. Then, I could tolerate it. No more ghost Bobby. Or, Bobby hanging out in purgatory.

Sean: As much as I've liked Bobby and Jim Beaver I kind of hope he is dead and gone. Killing him, bringing him back, killing him, makes each death seem less impactful because it's been too many times. I know Dean and Sam have died countless times, but let's be honest, without both of them, the show ends. Bobby went on knowing what he had to do and I hope that's it.

What did you think of that ending?
Carissa: As you can tell from by inordinate amount of bitching above, not happy with another stint in a new Supernatural jail.. It's just getting old. We have a new time slot and things have to be competitive and spot on next year. Time to shake things up not do the same ole same ole. I'm looking forward to next year, don't get me wrong, but I don't want more than one episode spent in purgatory.

Carla: It was basically a repeat of previous finales with a minor twist. Unoriginal. Boring. It is not a cliffhanger I will be giving much, if any, thought to once I finish writing this answer.

Sean: I enjoyed the cliffhanger for the mere fact that it felt like it came out of nowhere. Does it also feel like a tired device in separating the brothers? Sure. Once again, I'm hoping that with a new showrunner, this new direction finds a solidified purpose so the ending feels like a great lead in to a fantastic payoff.

Are we done with the Leviathan?
Carissa: Are we ever done with any demon? Don't demons live forever? I'm sure they'll pop up again, but I don't think they had the magic they were hoping for, so I'm looking forward to something different to play with next season.

Carla: They are still around, so I'm sure they will be back at some point.

Sean: Maybe for a few episodes, but I'm kind of wishing they would be through. A good try at the silent killer, but let's try something different now.

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