Rookie Blue Review: Back to Basics

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Rookie Blue was all about "The Rules" and even though everyone tried to get back to basics, nothing felt secure at Division 15. It's been a month since Jerry's funeral and it looked like everyone was still having trouble moving on.

Well, maybe Sam is the exception because he certainly didn't seem to be having any problem moving on from Andy. He called her over with a smile on his face and Andy's eyes shone with such hope that it almost hurt. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to ask her for the keys to his truck back. What a jerk!

Those keys meant something to Andy.  Even though Sam never said he loved her, the day he shared the keys to his precious truck, it appeared to mean he was making a serious commitment to the two of them as a couple.  The message Sam was sending now was that they were truly over.

Nick & Andy Find Trouble

That's what led Nick to find a tearful Andy in their squad car and I felt sympathy for Nick in that moment. What guy wants to deal with a teary eyed partner all day?

But Nick really manned up. Not only did he do everything he could to make Andy smile, he also became her breakup buddy. 

Of course it looked like Nick had the knack for making girls smile. Did you see Gail's face on their drive into work? She had a grin she couldn't wipe off if she tried. Apparently Nick has been driving her back and forth to work since she returned after her abduction. Very sweet. The guy earned major points with me in this episode.

However Luke, I'm still iffy about.  When he first pushed Traci to either get back to her detective training or bow out, it came across as his only concern was lightening his workload. 

Traci should get back to her training. She's put so much time and effort into it but I could understand her apprehension. Everything about that job revolved around Jerry. Being in that role again will only heighten her sense of loss, at least for a while.

Then Luke made her see that she had the instincts of a detective and I think she needed to hear that from someone, especially now that Jerry is gone.

But my favorite moment with Luke was when he told Sam he needed to stop being an idiot about Andy. Truer words were never spoken. I just don't know if Sam's willing to listen.

The stomach churning moment of the night was the relationship between Dov and Crystal. Under different circumstances perhaps they might have a chance but with her brother's death hanging between them, this relationship is a disaster in the making. They're both setting themselves up for a world of pain and I don't mean the kind that was inflicted on Dov as he bled all over the sidewalk.

So with both Chris and Luke telling Sam to stop being an idiot, do you think there's any chance that he'll listen?  Has Sam treated Andy so badly that she should just move on?  Should Luke stick around Division 15?  What do you want to see as we head into the last two episodes of this season of Rookie Blue?

The Rules Review

Editor Rating: 4.6 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (64 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Rookie Blue Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

Nick: Rule #3: Do not talk to your ex for sixty days. Oof. Good thing you guys don't work together.

People stay together. People break up. Whatever.
