Elementary Review: A Matter of Perception

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With Flu season upon us, it was fun to see what happened when our favorite deductive investigator is not at the top of his game in "You Do It To Yourself," which mostly involved him being one-up’ed by Watson and Bell. 

It was awesome that Detective Bell actually stumped Holmes with the Mahjong tiles being a club pass. I wish he had held out a little longer and had made Holmes actually ask him about them. But, the blank stare that Holmes gave him totally made up for it and had me rolling with laughter. 

Then we had Watson, who was at the top of her game. The conversation about the tea she made him from her mom’s recipe was priceless. Had Holmes not been sick, I’m sure he would have seen the folly in asking a former doctor about the medicinal properties of the herbs she just gave him. 

Holmes Goes to College

Holmes asking her to make more of the tea is probably as close as he will ever get to admitting to her that the tea helped him and she was right. Granted, he did make a reference to her taking point on the case since she was showing to be the sharper of the two. 

While we are talking about Watson, we also got to learn a bit more about her past. We learned that she dated Liam and it was serious, until he started using. Did you catch him calling her Joanie? That was a great tie in to the last episode where we met someone from Watson’s doctor years. 

As for the case, it didn't take long to figure out that the Brendan O'Brien and Jun were having an affair and that Annunzio had tried to frame O’Brien. Thankfully for both of them, they had Holmes on the case and he was able to solve the case.  

With all his quirks, Holmes really does care. Both about the truth and those he considers close to himself. As exampled in the last scene where Holmes met up with Watson as she futilely waited for Liam to show up and gave us this great Elementary Quote:

Watson: If there's some place else you have to be.
Sherlock: Not tonight Watson, not tonight. | permalink

Did you notice that there was no mention of Alfredo or of any need for Holmes to find a sponsor? It felt a bit like the episode was written in a bubble without any knowledge of what happened before. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good episode, it just had an odd vibe with the dropping of a significant plot point that wasn't previously resolved. 

My Deduction: A well done episode that had a splash of comedy and a couple of good twist and turns. I’m giving it 4.6 cups of Chinese Herbal Tea for Watson coming into her own and Holmes reminding us he is not a total wanker. 

You Do It To Yourself Review

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Jim G. is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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Elementary Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Sherlock: Ugh. What is that? I asked for coffee.
Watson: Well, you asked for coffee but you got tea.
Sherlock: No. I'm British. This is not tea.

Sherlock: Unlikely he would notate trips to underground Chinese gambling parlor.
Bell: Excuse me?
Sherlock: That's what he was doing last night.
Bell: I know you're just waiting for me to ask you why you think that.
Sherlock: [pauses]
Bell: [sigh] Why do you think that?
Sherlock: I'm glad you asked. It was the 13's. He apartment number 13 His cell ends in 1313. He chose this office 13.