How I Met Your Mother Review: Hit Me Baby One More Time

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A watched child may never crawl, but the more I watched tonight's episode of How I Met Your Mother, the more I enjoyed it. "Lobster Crawl" got off to a slow start, with hints of overacting that eventually gave way to some solid comedy. 

I don't find myself saying this often, but Barney overdid the scene where he tried to revive his tie Cornelius. The ordeal did spawn his idea for Bro-Bibs, which yielded some funny scenes, so it was forgivable in the end. I also loved when the mention of Thai food brought him to tears. 

Lily & Marshall Have a Revelation

Lily's hysterical crying at missing Marvin's first crawl was another instance of overacting, but she rebounded and then some as time went on. You had to love watching as she gave Robin her idea on how to snag Barney. For my money, the scene where she called Marvin a "sonnova me" was her best moment and also topped my list of How i Met Your Mother quotes of the night. 

Robin almost lost me with that horrible laugh she blurted out in the opening couple of scenes, but she bounced back and then some. Taking a page out of Barney's book, she used various character scenarios to try and get her man. The guy in me should say her dance with Brandi was the best of such, but the even bigger nerd in me absolutely loved her Lara Croft look coupled with Barney thanking her for the assist on his league laser tag score. 

I know many fans have had their fill of the "Brobin" drama, but the love triangle created by the addition of Patrice was hilarious and something I would never have predicted. When the time comes for Robin and Barney to get back together, I just hope Patrice doesn't go Glenn Close and start boiling up Barney's other ties.  

As for the whole Lobster phenomenon, having had my face swell up like Robin's did on numerous occasions thanks to my own allergy, I can say I never had any desire to intentionally eat the much craved crustaceans. Still, the scene where Robin went Sizzler was pretty funny. 

Loved seeing little Marvin get some screen time. Ted delivered a solid performance as the overly excited uncle. While it was hard to blame him for all the affection he showed the youngest Eriksen, dressing him in anything but Vikings gear was certainly grounds for protest on Marshall's part. 

Tonight's episode crawled before it walked but improved by leaps and bounds with each scene. What did you think? 

Lobster Crawl Review

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How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Episode 9 Quotes

Why should bibs only be socially acceptable when you're eating lobster?


Do it! If you ever wanna see these boobs again, crawl you sonnova me!
