The Tomorrow People Review: Things Aren't Always What They Seem

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I feel like I got all I needed to make up my mind about Jedikiah in The Tomorrow People Season 1 Episode 18.

First of all, I just want to say how much I enjoyed the scruffy and slightly off-kilter version of Jed we saw in this episode. It was fun to see him drop his normal quiet persona and dark suits for a little while.

What Is The Machine?

No matter what happened or what Jedikiah did, I just couldn’t believe that he was actually the bad guy. And let me tell you, having Cara agree with me was kind of messing with my head, considering how rarely she and I see eye to eye.

But she asked some great questions about Bathory and it was nice to see someone suspicious of him.

Folks, this is a Paranormal intervention.


Even when Jedikiah went extra wacko and put a gun to Luca’s head, I saw it only as a desperate attempt from a desperate man to get anyone to believe him. I love that he finally went to John for help and showed him Roger’s body.

The look Jedikiah gave John when he saw Roger lying frozen spoke volumes. It was “I’m sorry” and “I had to do it” and “I hate that this hurts you” all rolled into one beautiful moment.

While Cara and I agreed about Bathory, we were complete opposites when it came to Stephen. I was glad that Stephen called her on her jealousy because that was just making me crazy since she’s with John. Also, I don’t think that Hillary is really a threat to Stephen or his mission. At least not in the way that Cara thinks.

Just because I’m jealous doesn’t mean I’m wrong.


Of course Stephen getting involved with Hillary could be complicated for him, just as it would for anyone going undercover or acting as a spy and then falling for someone on the opposite side. I think the person Cara should have really been worried about was Bathory.

After all, he’s the one who charmed Stephen into stepping into a machine he knew nothing about.

I don’t want you to kill anyone. I want you to save someone.


In the end, though I felt confused and unsure of where to lay my loyalty at the end of The Tomorrow People Season 1 Episode 17, I had no such trouble with this episode. Once Roger found out Stephen had come to visit him in Limbo using the machine and reacted in obvious horror, I knew without a doubt that Bathory was the bad guy. Here’s hoping Stephen figures it out for himself soon.

My favorite bits:

  • Poor John blaming himself for Cassie’s death. I knew he was going to do that.
  • Stephen trying to have a chat with John and Cara at the worst possible time.
  • Cara agreeing with me and not trusting Bathory. Wait. What??
  • A Paranormal using his power for street magic. Gotta admit, that’s pretty brilliant.
  • Jedikiah yanking Stephen out of the alley and giving him a casual “Hey, Stephen.”
  • John’s less-than-excited look when Cara said they were going out for a magic show.
  • Stephen spitting out his drink when Cara called the magician a “real breakout star.”
  • The Cara vs. Hillary girl fight.
  • John giving Stephen one final punch before jumping out. Ha!
  • Jedikiah forcing Stephen to show Luca his powers. Whoa.
  • Poor Luca asking if he was a freak, too.
  • Stephen going off on Jedikiah. Holy cow!
  • Russell’s “eh” hand gesture when Cara told Monty they were all special.
  • Monty showing Russell his tricks.
  • Really liking the scruffy Jedikiah. Can he stay on the run, like, forever?
  • Jedikiah figuring out a clever way to get John to meet him.
  • Jedikiah knowing that John was on board with his plan as soon as John called him crazy.
  • Hillary coming to collect on her bet with Stephen. Somehow I don’t think he minded having to pay up.

What do you think of Stephen and Hillary hooking up?

Smoke and Mirrors Review

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