Salem Season 2 Episode 13 Review: The Witching Hour

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Remember, you can't lie to the dark lord!

The body count was certainly high on Salem Season 2 Episode 13, but at least there was a lot more action and suspense. You definitely had to question how many people Salem can continue to kill off before it becomes excessive.

The only issue with tonight's season finale is everything seemed so easy and, while stories were being wrapped up, you couldn't help but question how the next season is going to go.

Let's get down to business and discuss tonight's Salem season finale.

Hearing Countess Marburg talking about how Salem will now prosper with the dark lord was exceptionally chilling. Lucy Lawless has done a phenomenal job of portraying a woman who is crazy and drunk on power.

Even though Mary has angered me, I couldn't help but feel for her when she was looking at the "dead" body of her son.

Anne: Cotton, I'm still your Anne. The woman who loves you.
Cotton: No, no. Witches are the very embodiment of evil.
Anne: Cotton.
Cotton: I thought you were the very embodiment of good.
Anne: So why can't I use my power for good? To make the world a better, fairer place.
Cotton: Because such powers come from the devil himself.

Did Anne really think Cotton was going to be understanding of what she did/is? I'm actually surprised he didn't freak out more. Even though Anne made a good argument for using her power for good, I'm with Cotton – the power comes from evil. She pretty much proved Cotton's point when she pulled him back in the room and locked him up.

Who else was surprised Anne admitted putting a spell on Cotton? Cotton truly loved Anne and all he wanted was time. It's sad to see this couple fall apart so quickly – I really enjoyed these two together.

Anne: [shocked] You are alive?
Cotton: Where is he? What have you done with the boy?
Anne: Are you sure you want to know? A kind woman once told me that the problem with knowing things, is you can never un-know them.
Cotton: Yes, I must know everything.
Anne: I traded his life for yours.
Cotton: [screaming and angry] No! Now I see why I already burn in hell.

It was so odd seeing Countess Marburg being so subordinate to the little devil. I'm pretty sure we've never seen her act like this. It showed her obsession and devotion to the dark lord. I couldn't help but feel bad for Sebastian while he was listening to Countess Marburg talk about only loving one thing – worst mother ever. Kudos to Oliver Bell for playing one of the creepiest kids on TV. 

You just knew the little devil was going to bite Mercy's finger off – such a cringe-worthy moment. Mary warned Mercy on Salem Season 2 Episode 12 that Countess Marburg would eventually turn on her. It's shocking to think Mercy believed the fairy tale she created in her head. Mercy further proved her stupidity when she attempted to smack the Countess. She should really use her brain.

Mercy: You promised me.
Countess Marburg: Promised you what, child?
Mercy: To be my mother, to make me one of you. That I might marry Sebastian, become a princess.
Countess Marburg: Your wishful mind promised you all those things. I promised you to return the beauty for which you were born and make Mary Sible feel your pain and beyond.

Tituba's death scene was tragically gruesome. You knew once the little devil sent her off, something bad was going to happen. When he looked at the dead ravens, I saw the wheels turning in her head and knew Tituba wasn't going to make it out of Salem alive. It's symbolic having Tituba betrayed after all the betrayal she's done. 

Mary's gloating about Countess Marburg not being the one the little devil wanted was fantastic! It was awesome finally seeing Mary get the upper hand in the war. She's right, Countess Marburg was after the dark lord for so long, but it turns out he wants nothing of her. It was a shame when Anne showed up and stopped Mary from killing the Countess.

Countess Marburg continued her jealousy parade and enlisted Sebastian to get rid of Mary. Having Sebastian be the one to kill Mary was the dumbest decision. Sebastian has never made his love for Mary a secret and to spare her life was the best gift he could give her. 

Mary: Why are you doing this?
Sebastian: I, too, am capable of unconditional love.

In the end, Mercy continued her dastardly ways and stole yet another child, vowing to become royalty and get revenge. Anne basically turned poor Cotton into a zombie. The little devil was able to see through Countess Marburg's lies and killed her in the most over the top way and Mary gave up her life to save the man she loved.

What did you think of the, "The Witching Hour"? How will they bring Mary back? Will Cotton ever be the same again?

If you missed tonight's exciting season finale, you're in luck. Go watch Salem online now via TV Fanatic and come back to let us know what you think. 

The Witching Hour Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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Salem Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Anne: [shocked] You are alive?
Cotton: Where is he? What have you done with the boy?
Anne: Are you sure you want to know? A kind woman once told me that the problem with knowing things, is you can never un-know them.
Cotton: Yes, I must know everything.
Anne: I traded his life for yours.
Cotton: [screaming and angry] No! Now I see why I already burn in hell.

Anne: Cotton, I'm still your Anne. The woman who loves you.
Cotton: No, no. Witches are the very embodiment of evil.
Anne: Cotton.
Cotton: I thought you were the very embodiment of good.
Anne: So why can't I use my power for good? To make the world a better, fairer place.
Cotton: Because such powers come from the devil himself.