Galavant Review: So Many Feelings

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On Galavant Season 2 Episode 3, we check in with our favorite duo, Galavant and Richard, as they try to figure out what happened to Richard's castle.

A villager named John (played by the hilarious Matt Lucas) sings a plucky song about the new democracy and how they no longer need a king or his castle.

Not surprisingly, in the new democracy, only straight white men are allowed to vote. 

Under the Spell - Galavant

The castle has been torn down and used to build shops and things that benefit the community. Richard is enraged when he sees his sheet with the giant "R" that was embroidered using the plucked hairs from the red-heads in the kingdom.

Without his castle and his people, King Richard is lost. 

He sings a song about trying out different jobs but has absolutely no clue how to do anything but be a king. Richard is bummed but the sword he pulled from the stump gleams next to him. Will Richard be the one true king of all of the lands? 

Isabella is doing what anyone who was dumped would do, eat and watch sad movies. However, since this is the middle ages, it's the Jester acting out the breakup with wooden dolls.

Her parents bring in the slimy wedding planner and continue to push the creepy wedding to her 11-year-old cousin. They are the worst! 

The wedding planner just wants to control the kingdom so he puts a mind controlling tiara on Isabella. The song they sing reminds me of The Little Mermaid, in the best way.

That poor lady has been manipulated this entire series. She didn't really need Galavant to save her before, but with her horrid parents happy at her attitude change, she needs him now!

Gareth is feeling guilty about everything that happened with Richard. Sid tries to help him sort out his feelings about all of it. Gareth not knowing what "guilt" is was hilarious because whenever he doesn't understand something, he just gets angry. Angry Gareth is the best Gareth, in my opinion. 

In the second episode of the night, Galavant Season 2 Episode 4 Galavant is still trying to get his army when Richard whips out the Jewel of Valencia that he swallowed (ew) but at least they might have some leverage! Galavant is as impressed and disgusted as we are. 

Galavant is so over having Richard around but still catches a knife that is thrown at Richard's head, showing he really does care, deep down.

Galavant sets up a romantic dinner to push Roberta and Richard together in an effort to get Richard to leave him alone but his plan fails, poor Richard. But hey, we have all gone out on a date with someone who tries to fit their fist in their mouths, right? No, just me? 

The song Galavant sings at their dinner, "Maybe You Won't Die Alone" is my favorite song of this season so far. Galavant popping up from under the table and from behind Richard was almost as funny as the blunt lyrics of his not-so-elegant serenade. 

Everyone is starting to notice the change in Isabella. How long is Wormwood going to be able to keep up this scheme? 

Isabella is Poisoned - Galavant

Chef continues crack us up. The face he makes when backing out of Isabella's little room was the funniest moment this week! Honestly, every time he is on screen, I am laughing. Let's hope that him leaving the castle doesn't mean we will get less of him next week! 

We are officially big pimping!


Poor Madalena. We all thought she was the Queen of Mean, but really she was picked on by the kingdom's mean girls when she was little. She still wants to be in their group and she was finally relatable when she was obsessing about her earrings before she leaves for the party.  

My favorite moment of the episode was after she came back from the awful party where they roasted her and she is crying in her room.

Gareth sees her and is angry so he goes and rips the ears off of the mean girls to give her their earrings. It was disgusting but so sweet and has us all shipping Gareth and Madalena!  

If you missed these episodes, don't forget that you can watch Galavant online!

What did you think? Do you like the idea of Madalena and Gareth as a couple? What was your favorite song of the night? Sound off in the comments below! 

Aw Hell, the King Review

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Meg Bonney is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Galavant Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Relax Chistle-Chin!

King Richard

Progressive for the Middle Ages
