13 Reasons We Loved Outcast Season 1

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Outcast proved itself to be one of the most riveting and creepiest shows of the summer as demonic or alien possessions (we're not sure what they are at this point) overtook the people of the small town of Rome, West Virginia.

Reverend Anderson tried his best to rid the town of the demons, but his exorcisms failed on a grand scale. The only thing that seemed to work was what Kyle did, whether it was beating the victim or just laying his hands on him, or sometimes both.

But as many as they sent packing, more seemed to arrive daily, because Kyle is apparently a beacon. What they might not have expected (and neither did we) was Amber turning out to be just like daddy.

There are still no clear answers as to why Kyle draws these things. What we do know is he's from the same place they are -- wherever that is. It's just one of many questions we hope will be answered in season two.

From Wrenn Schmidt's brilliant performance as a possessed Megan to Mildred's snarky response to Reverend Anderson, here's our list of what we thought were some of the highlights of Outcast Season 1.

1. Megan Gets Possessed

Wrenn Schmidt knocked it out of the park with her performance as a newly possessed. It was fascinating to watch Megan go through a possession from beginning to end. The way she walked out of the shower, the way she wiggled her toes in the wet grass and her reactions to light and water were powerful scenes that shed light into the process of possession. Wrenn Schmidt brilliantly brought it all to life and gets our accolades for best performance of the season.

2. Reverend Anderson Punches Sidney

Sidney has been smarmy from the minute he stepped foot in Rome. He’s especially been a thorn in Reverend Anderson’s side. When Sidney walked in while the Reverend was trying to get his job back, it was the last straw and the Reverend couldn’t help himself. As he told Giles: “It’s not everyday you get to punch the Devil in the face.”

3. Mildred is Done Playing Games

Reverend Anderson thought he had cast the demon out of Mildred, but he was wrong. After Kyle touched her and discovered she was still possessed, the Reverend visited to see for himself. Mildred was done playing games and let the Reverend know the truth in a rather amusing yet chilling way. Too bad MIldren couldn’t have stayed in Rome a bit longer.

4. Mark's Shocking Death

Even if you are a comic reader, Mark’s death was something completely unexpected. In the comics he was thrown out the window and survived. On the show Megan smashed his face into the bathroom mirror and a piece of glass got stuck in his throat. It was heartbreaking to watch him plead with Megan to help him and all she did was watch him die, fascinated with all the blood.

5. Blake Fakes Us Out

Reverend Anderson keeps thinking he’s winning against the demons of Rome, but once again he was proved wrong. Blake was one of the scariest possessed we got to meet. He did a great job pretending to be exorcised, but in the end he let Anderson know it was all fake by laughing in his face and telling him, “Is this actually your job? Do you do kids’ parties too?” Did Blake takes lessons from Mildred?

6. Reverend Anderson's Pentagram

While Sidney was a pain the Reverend’s side, the Reverend was a pain in Sidney’s side. The Reverend was intent on casting out the evil from Rome and had no intention of leaving the possessed alone. Sidney didn’t like this and decided to warn the Reverend in the most serious way by carving a pentagram on his chest.

7. Kyle Remembers the Good Times with Mom

Life wasn’t always so dim and dismal for Kyle. He and his mom were all they had and they were happy -- until his mom was possessed. When Kyle visited her in the nursing home and was reminiscing about the good times, it was heartbreaking to watch. How could things go from beautiful to wretched in such a short time? We wonder if she’ll stay in a catatonic state or awaken and shed light on the mystery of why Kyle is an Outcast.

8. Joshua Shows Off His Creepy

Any kid who smashes a cockroach with his head then proceeds to eat it is a strange one, especially when he decided to eat his own fingers a few minutes later. But, the creepiest thing about Joshua was his ability to contort his body in unnatural angles and levitate. Sure, the demon/alien left Joshua’s body thanks to Reverend Anderson and Kyle, but the freakiness of his possession will stay with us forever. And when this is what you’re greeted with as the series begins, you know it’s going to be good.

9. Amber's Just Like Her Dad

Although the comic readers knew this ahead of time, this was a great plot twist for those who didn’t read the books. It was looking pretty grim as Kyle was being attacked by demons. Amber saw what was going on and came to her dad’s rescue. Everyone was in shock to see that Amber had the same gifts as Kyle, Now instead of just one person to be afraid of, the demon/aliens have two.

10. Aaron Becomes the Most Annoying Character on TV

Okay, so this doesn’t fit into reasons we loved Outcast, because any character that makes us hate as much as we hate him is worthy of a mention . Was there anybody who wasn’t happy to see Aaron go up in flames? Sure, it’s gruesome, but the kid was obnoxious and annoying from the moment he hit the screen, but more so after he teamed up with Sidney. Aaron was rotten to the core, and Sidney used him in the worst ways possible. Unfortunately, his death (if he really is dead) is going to be a level of guilt from which Reverend Anderson may never recover.

11. Holly and Amber See the Carnage

No child should have to see what these two little girls when they found Megan full of blood and Mark dead on the floor. Lucky for Holly, Amber recognized the signs of possession and pulled Holly to safety. Megan found them hiding in the closet, but their screams sent Megan running. The terrified looks on their faces along with the screams sent chills down our spine. Callie Brook McClincy and Madeleine McGraw deserve mega props for doing a fantastic job pulling off that scene.

12. Kyle and Reverend Anderson Go At It

We all knew Reverend Anderson was jealous of Kyle since Kyle was being more successful at exorcisms than the Reverend had ever been. Anderson’s life was spiraling out of control and when Kyle refused to exorcise the demon out of Kat, Anderson lost it completely. He took out his frustration and attacked Kyle and Kyle fought back hard. In Anderson’s mind there is no sympathy for the devil and his minions.

13. It's Okay That They're Different

Some people in town know that their friends, neighbors, or significant others are not who they once used to be, and it doesn’t bother them at all. In fact, they like it that way. Giles was speechless when Lenny told him he liked his new, possessed wife better than his old wife. So, if they’re not hurting anyone, why can’t people just leave them alone?

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