Grimm Season 6 Episode 4 Review: El Cuegle

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When the scriptwriters were breaking in Grimm Season 6 Episode 4, did any of them ever bring up the phrase "self-fulfilling prophecy"? The monster of the week, El Cuegle, claimed that the babies he eats are destined for evil.

By the end of the episode, the viewers were left to seriously wonder whether baby Auggie is actually destined (destined, I say!) to murder his parents and more in another eighteen years.

A Clairvoyant Wesen - Grimm

I brought up the whole self-fulfilling prophecy thing because it sure seemed that no one bothered to stop and wonder whether the actual abduction of the baby by El Cuegle might actually serve as the pebbles that started the avalanche.

This is not to say that this is a problem with the episode. More, something for the viewer to ponder, especially in light of Auggie's parents' behavior at the end of the episode.

Really, it's up to the viewer to decide whether El Cuegle was having genuine visions of the future or was simply a mentally-disturbed Wesen whose own actions contributed to creating exactly the horrible fate he was attempting to avert.

El Cuegle specifically invoked the classic "if you could kill Hitler as a baby" dilemma. Problem is that the future hasn't happened yet! The baby is still a baby. Depending on your theory of quantum physics, knowing the future means you can change the future.

And, to be perfectly frank, wouldn't it make more sense to ensure that the fighting couple got... I don't know... counseling or therapy rather than kidnapping and eating their baby?! (Personally, I'm on the "mentally disturbed" side of this debate.)

As monster of the week stories go, this one was actually rather interesting to me and evoked some potentially intriguing philosophical questions. Though it almost certainly would have been better if someone actually asked the questions.

There was actually quite a bit going on in this episode, too, including Monroe and Rosalee quite reasonably discussing the danger of bringing up their children in close proximity to the walking disaster area known as Nick Burkhardt.

I found it surprisingly refreshing for supporting characters to actually note that the protagonist is constantly surrounded by danger, and that might not be a good place to raise children.

Sasha Roiz was once again on point in this episode, both in his rare light-hearted dinner-cooking session with Diana (both adorable and terrifying) and being ruthlessly and hilariously tormented by the ghost of Martin Meisner (Damien Puckler).

Meisner: Talk about coffee going right through you!
Renard: Why are you doing this?
Meisner: Well… my calendar’s pretty open, seeing’s how I’m dead.
Renard: Look, if this is some kind of revenge haunting, don’t forget I shot you to put you out of your misery!
Meisner [blandly]: Oh, thank you for that. Really. [turns cheerful] But! Don’t forget you betrayed us all! It’s the real reason I’m dead.
Renard: NO! I gave you an opportunity to join me!
Meisner: Don’t think you cleared that with your friend Bonaparte…

It seems that death has done a lot to improve the previously-dour Meisner's sense of humor! It's still unclear as to his true nature, though it was shown that he is (so far, at least) invisible to everyone but Renard.

Meisner: Aren’t you worried about the fact that you’re talking to someone who isn’t even here?
Renard: Oh, let’s see how “here” you really are! [steps towards Meisner with coffee cup]
Meisner: Oh, now, wait a minute, Sean, that’s hot coffee!

I was a little disappointed that Meisner didn't pop up again later in the episode, but I suppose that sort of humor is best in smaller doses. And it does make one wonder whether this is part of a much more comprehensive breakdown on Renard's part.

And then there was Eve and the Magic Stick. Yep, that thing is almost certainly The One Ring. Seriously, light it on fire, encase it in lead, throw it into the ocean. 'Cause it's bad news.

A few final notes before I turn the discussion over to you, fellow Grimmsters:

  • Nick and Hank got all shocked when they realized that the baby's blanket had bears, recalling El Cuegle's last words. He could easily have seen the blanket when he kidnapped Auggie.
  • Place your bets now! How many pupcubs is Rosalee having, and what will they be?
  • Why was Eve lurking down in the tunnels? Besides to creepily eavesdrop on Nick and Adalind and get all jealous?
  • Martin Meisner: ghost, figment of Renard's guilty mind, or something else entirely?
  • Question: does "el cuegle" actually mean anything in Spanish?

If you missed this episode, fear not! You can watch Grimm online to catch up. And be sure to tune in on Friday, February 3, 2017 at 8/7c on NBC for Grimm Season 6 Episode 5, "The Seven Year Itch."

So, what did you think of "El Cuegle"? Was it a decent breather episode after the non-stop drama of the first few episodes of the season? Where does Team Grimm go from here?

Let us know in the comments section below!

El Cuegle Review

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Grimm Season 6 Episode 4 Quotes

Renard: You three! My office!
Wu: I’m guessing this will be the presentation of medals.

Renard: You’re not real.
Meisner: Real enough that you’re talking to me.
Renard: No… you’re dead...
Meisner: Does that really matter?