19 of the Best TV Characters to Mend Your Broken Heart

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Television characters are no strangers to heartbreak. They too experience getting dumped and being betrayed.

If a tv character is lucky, he or she will still have loved ones around to support them during these rough patches.

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These characters could not have prevented the pain from happening. However, they will listen sympathetically while you vent and wallow. They will travel across the country to answer your distress call. And when they vow that the person who hurt you will never harm you again, you know they will keep their promise.

For all this and more, we wish we could have these tv characters present in our lives during all the times we are convinced we will never be happy again.

1. Olivia - Law & Order: SVU

Olivia sees the ugliest side of humanity on a regular basis, but she never forgets to the put the victims first. Always compassionate and a force to be reckoned with, she'll do everything in her power to ensure justice is served.

2. Miguel - This Is Us

It's good to see more appreciation for Miguel because a guy who would fix your fridge, console you after a date gone bad, and let you sleep off a drunken bender at his place certainly deserves it.

3. Lorelai - Gilmore Girls

If you've embarrassed yourself in front of a crush, been dumped during a dance marathon, or just found out your mother-in-law never wanted you in the family -- Lorelai Gilmore will always be there for you with a hug, some kind (and funny) words, and all the junk food you need to get through the wallowing.

4. Gary - A Million Little Things

Don't let the abrasive side of Gary's personality fool you, he'll do anything to cheer you up when you're going through a tough time. The list includes but is not limited to staying at your side during chemo, immediately making sure someone can step in when dad duty calls and wearing a light-up Christmas sweater.

5. Mina - The Resident

Mina will always tell you what you need to hear even when you don't want to hear it. Even when she thinks doing something like jilting someone at the altar was a bad decision, she will still offer you a place to stay when you have nowhere else to go.

6. Davos - Game of Thrones

Davos is an awesome person to have around after you've been stabbed in the heart. He'll find a red priestess to handle the resurrection and then give you a pep talk that will enable you to get on with the business of saving the world.

7. Sasha - The Walking Dead

After Glen's sudden and horrific death at Neagan's hands, Sasha was there to mourn and fight alongside Maggie.

8. Snow White - Once Upon a Time

When all seems lost, Snow White is quick to remind you to never abandon hope. She also makes for a hilarious drinking buddy during girls' night out.

9. Sid - Bones

Food plays an important part in getting over any sort of heartbreak. Fortunately, for Booth and his colleagues, his favorite restaurant is Wong Fu's, where Sid, its owner, immediately knows exactly what to bring you. Just remember, the best way to show Sid your appreciation is to keep talk of corpses and crime scenes to a minimum.

10. Ryn - Siren

Even for a mermaid, watching a loved one die is one the hardest, scariest challenges life can throw at us. Ryn couldn't save her sister, but she stayed with her to the very end.

11. Phil - Modern Family

Phil has a natural talent for making people feel better. He also knows you can't let your talents go to waste, so whether you're a divorcee looking for a home or a father-in-law mourning the loss of his navy buddies, Phil will go to any, ridiculous length to make sure you're okay. And, yes, there will be hugging.

12. Penny - The Big Bang Theory

Penny is fiercely protective of her friends and doesn't like anyone taking advantage of them. If you hurt someone she cares about, watch out, because she will make sure you will regret it.

13. Jim - Gotham

Jim Gordan knows the world can be corrupt, dark, and scary. It doesn't stop him from comforting a traumatized child or saving a city everyone else wrote off.

14. Carrie - Sex and the City

Carrie is the gal to go to when you're in the midst of romantic woes. Thanks to the enormous amount of information she has accumulated on things related to sex and romance, she knows exactly what you're going through, and her keen insight will guide you on how to survive to it.

15. Officers Bishop and Lopez - The Rookie

Officers Bishop and Lopez are not only LAPD's finest patrol officers, but they're also great people to have as friends. Once they caught wind of the arrest of Bradford's wife, Isabel, they immediately gave him their support and did everything in their power to help Bradford keep Isabel alive.

16. Casey - Chicago Fire

It's no surprise the people of Chicago voted for Matt Casey to be Alderman. His refusal to standby and let people suffer is why we want someone like him in our corner.

17. Kara - Supergirl

Kara's indomitable will and endless compassion are why she always makes (or alters) time for friends, foes, or complete strangers in need.

18. Magnus - Shadowhunters

Magnus takes the wellbeing of the people under his wing very seriously, and he has the power to back it up. He's also wise and makes for a great parental figure.

19. Alex - Grey's Anatomy

How did Alex Karev go from the guy who carelessly spread STDs to the guy who instantly drops everything to be there for you? It took time and a lot of character growth, but the journey was totally worth it for all the scenes we get of him being Meredith's "person," which definitely make us wish he was our person too.

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Multi-Show, Photo Galleries
Law & Order: SVU, This Is Us, Gilmore Girls, A Million Little Things, The Resident, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Bones, Siren, Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory, Gotham, Sex and the City, The Rookie, Chicago Fire, Supergirl, Shadowhunters, Grey's Anatomy
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