Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 7 Review: They Would Bloom and Welcome You

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Ralph Angel is damned lucky. 

Not because he got caught, of course, but Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 7 showed just how many people are in his corner. 

The problem is, he doesn't seem to appreciate it. 

Shedding Tears - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 7

Darla is hurt. She is furious, and she has every right to be. But when Ralph Angel echoed that he had a right to her feelings, I wanted to smack him. No kidding, she's got the right. I'm sure he thought he was being supportive, but it came across as condescending, and from Darla's eye-roll, I'm pretty sure she felt the same. 

But Darla's still standing by her husband no matter what when a lot of women would walk away, especially when they have family with money they could go to. 

But Darla loves Ralph Angel, and she's walked through hell and back in her own journey. Not only isn't she giving up, she's giving him hope.

Just because we don’t choose right the first time doesn’t mean we can’t on the last. You are so strong, Ralph Angel. I’m here for you. No matter what.


However, will Darla ever trust Ralph Angel the same way again, and how will that affect them moving forward?

Darla wasn't the only one standing by Ralph Angel's side. Charley came running the moment she got the call, sent an attorney, and paid his bail. 

Darla's Pregnant - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 7

Nova was still reeling over her home being raided by the police, but she didn't share a word about her trauma because Ralph Angel needed her. 

And Violet and Hollywood showed up the way they always have and always will. 

But Ralph Angel didn't sound grateful. All of those tears seemed to be over feeling sorry for himself rather than regretful about what he was putting his family through. 

Ralph Angel: No, Charley, I can’t prove it. That’s why I didn’t tell you all. I knew you’d tell me I couldn’t prove it, probably throw some money at me instead of justice. I know it was Landry, so I wasn’t stealing. I was just standing my damn ground.
Charley: Unfortunately, the law won’t see it that way.
Violet: It sure the hell won’t. This is all about ego and pride. You could have asked any one of us for help.

Ralph Angel was working hard to justify his actions. He stole from the Landrys because he believed they poisoned his crop, but he can't prove it. 

Decisions To Make - Queen Sugar

He didn't tell anyone in his family that someone had destroyed the crop because they'd only "throw some money at" him. 

Well, boohoo. Are we really supposed to feel sorry for Ralph Angel because he has family who would gladly give him money to get him out of a jam? 

It sounded like Ralph Angel somehow blamed Charley and Violet for this mess. Charley because she'd point out the obvious, that they couldn't prove the Landrys poisoned the crop, and that she'd generously use her money to make sure they wouldn't lose the farm.

And Violet because she insulted him during a fight. I may not agree with what Violet said to Ralph Angel about sending Blue away to school, but give me a break. If we all committed crimes every time a family member insulted us, they couldn't build enough prisons. 

The truth was, Ralph Angel took the easy way out, and he still wasn't taking responsibility for it. That's what made Hollywood calling him out so satisfying. 

Hollywood Is Upset - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 7

Ralph Angel: Why you giving up so easy?
Hollywood: Because you did it. You did this. You stole that white man’s stuff, Bro. You did this shit. Yeah, racism. Yeah, the system. But also, you stole it! And you were caught red-handed, on camera. I mean, all these women who put their family farm in your hands, they’re willing to let it go because they’re willing to let that land go before they let you go.
Violet: Your freedom is worth more than any land, Ralph Angel.

I couldn't believe that Ralph Angel had the audacity to accuse them of giving up too easily, when he's the one who gave up. He gave up the moment he took that money from Theo, even when he knew how much he had to lose. 

Instead of going to his family, he willingly risked not only losing the farm but losing Darla, Blue, and his new daughter. 

Ralph Angel's foolish decisions are now the burden of the entire Bordelon family.

Sam: I don’t think your family is interested in a drawn-out trial. What would that do to future business of Vi’s Pies? Nova’s career? Micah’s future? Charley’s political aspirations? Would Blue’s fancy new school want a student whose black father is on trial for theft? There’s a way out of all this.
Violet: This is all about money.
Sam: I don’t want your money, Violet. The only thing I want is the farm.

Violet Confronts Sam - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 7

Sam Landry is a horrible little man who is out to destroy the Bordelons and steal their family farm, but he couldn't have done it if Ralph Angel had simply told his family what was happening and accepted their help.

Who knows, maybe Charley, Nova, and Violet could have found a way to prove it was the Landrys who sabotaged the farm.

Charley's wicked smart, Nova's an investigative journalist, and Violet knows where the Landry's secrets are buried. Given a chance, they may have come up with something.

But Ralph Angel never gave them that chance; in the same way, he wouldn't allow Darla to help pay the bills. He had to be "a man," which in Ralph Angel's mind means it's wrong to ask for help but okay to break the law. 

There are plenty of people who would throw their sibling to the proverbial wolves in a situation like this, but not the Bordelons.

A Bordelon Family Meeting - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 7

That Ralph Angel could be openly angry with them for doing what needed to be done to save him was infuriating. 

And the family didn't even appear outwardly angry; they were more resigned to what had to be done to move forward. 

After all of the Ralph Angel drama, Charley went to visit Nova and realized what her sister had been through. 

Nova: They terrorized me. But really, this is about my power, my activism, my voice, my skin, my gender, my everything.
Charley: Yes, you are everything. They didn’t take anything from you. They gave you something. More power. More fire. More.

Nova was devastated, and when it was happening she had no one to turn to except for Dominic.

Nova Listens to Ralph Angel - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 7

For the record, I still don't trust Dominic. 

But now Nova had Charley, and Charley is the person you want in the proverbial foxhole with you. Charley is intelligent, calculating, and fearless. Charley thinks things through and plans for all contingencies before moving ahead. And she's got a bit of a ruthless streak in her. 

Charley Bordelon is not someone you want as an enemy, and now she's going to put herself in a position where she can possibly wield even more power. 

It won't be quick, and it certainly won't be easy, but if Charley and Nova work together, they could literally change the world. 

Nova: Every step towards progress gets pushed back tenfold.
Charley: That’s how they want you to feel. We have to stay fighting.
Nova: The powers that be always win.

Micah's Presentation - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 7

Elsewhere, Micah not only didn't back away from showing affection towards Isaiah in front of other students, he also turned down his professor when she hit on him once again. Go Micah!

Violet tracked down Celene. I was grateful the woman didn't go back to her abusive husband. Violet got to tell Celene where they stood and wish her well. Violet has helped all she can, now it's up to Celene to change her life for her and her son.

I opened my heart, my life, my wallet to you, and in return, you hit on my husband.


Finally, Prosper made sure that Billie shared everything about what happened with Jimmy Dale all those years ago. 

How sad that Billie's mother blamed her, but Prosper was right; times were different then. The adults in Billie's life weren't there for her, and she's suffered for it. 

Happy To Be Home - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 3

Thankfully, at that moment with Jimmy Dale, she was able to take care of herself and fight him off.

Billie: Jimmy Dale was real smooth about it. I can see that now. So, when Nova and I would visit Violet, he would ask me about my dreams and my future plans. Make me feel real grown up and smart. But then he tried to take it to the next level, and I didn’t want that. But he didn’t care.
Prosper: He assaulted you.
Billie: He tried. But luckily, my Daddy taught me how to throw a pretty nice right cross.
Prosper: And your uppercut wasn’t nothing to mess with either.

Will Billie be staying in St. Jo's? Check out our exclusive interview with Tammy Townsend to find out more about how she took on the role of Billie and her future on Queen Sugar.

So what do you think, Queen Sugar fans? 

Am I being too hard on Ralph Angel? Does he have the right to feel like the victim in this mess?

Should the Bordelons have given up the family farm for him? 

Billie Has Her Say - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 3

And do you hope to see Billie stick around St. Josephine?

Hit that SHOW COMMENTS button down below to let us know what you think, then check back for our next Queen Sugar review. 

They Would Bloom and Welcome You Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 7 Quotes

Ralph Angel: I did what I had to do just to provide for my family.
Hollywood: So you think it’s okay for you to take somebody else’s things.
Ralph Angel: I was just getting back what I was owed.

Just because we don’t choose right the first time doesn’t mean we can’t on the last. You are so strong, Ralph Angel. I’m here for you. No matter what.
