Gather around, 9-1-1: Lone Star Fanatics, because we’re all in this together for better and worse.
The problem is that the “worse” is happening tenfold, and nothing confirms that more than what the series has done for Tommy Vega in this final season.
How did we get here? Inquiring minds would love to know.

Tommy Vega Was a Saving Grace of the Series
Tommy Vega is that woman! I’ll argue to my grave that the very heart of 9-1-1: Lone Star was Grace Ryder (and the series has suffered from her absence).
However, Tommy Vega is a saving grace for the series.
It wasn’t until her arrival that the cast felt more cohesive rather than separate factions of disjointed storylines that often revolved around only two or three characters.
Tommy always served as a solid bridge between Owen and many of the other characters, namely some of the younger ones, and it’s through her that we got some solid character development for a character like Nancy.

Unfortunately, Careless Whispers, I mean Michelle, didn’t have quite the same effect on the series, and her priority of fixating on her missing sister not only dominated a lot of screen time but wasn’t used to incorporate other characters properly.
With Tommy’s arrival, we had someone who already had a pre-existing relationship with the Ryders, actually devoted a lot of time and energy into not just leading the EMT services but mentoring the other paramedics, and was a great equal for Owen.
Plus, it’s Gina freaking Torres. She alone comes with her own fanbase and clout, and she added something special to the series, slotting into place and becoming this missing piece to the equation we didn’t realize we needed.
Tommy Was One of 9-1-1: Lone Star’s Most Developed Characters

Tommy had a way of getting a great deal of focus without necessarily detracting from the other characters around her, which put her miles ahead of Owen for the past five seasons.
And they established a solid background, a loving family, and great character moments for her.
I’d argue Tommy was probably one of the best and most consistently developed characters.
So, why did they disrupt all of that in the final season?
The series tends to thrive on heartbreak.
Owen Strand has endured more loss and pain than any one man should ever have to handle. T.K. and Carlos have had some troubled experiences in their lives, and Judd’s background is so incredibly dark it’s amazing he ever got out on the other side.

But even by 9-1-1: Lone Star’s standards, they’ve taken it too far with Tommy Vega.
It was absolutely devastating when Charles died during 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 12. One minute, someone is there, and the next, they can be gone.
Life comes at us fast in that way, and the abruptness of this wonderful, supportive, kind man simply passing away of an aneurysm in the middle of his living room still sends chills down my spine.
It was absolutely one of the series’ most devastating arcs to date, no doubt, but there was a tragic beauty in it. Charles’ death, while upsetting, felt meaningful.
Charles’ Death, While Tragic, Served Tommy’s Storyline, Unlike Hers

Through his death, the series continued to explore what it was like for a “middle-aged” woman who had to start her life over again, enter a new phase of her life that she wasn’t prepared for, and figure out how to navigate it.
Tommy’s arc started with her reentering the workforce again after taking years off to raise her daughters. That alone was a compelling angle to explore for a woman, as those typically aren’t the type of stories that series explore for them.
And she had all the love and support of her husband, who recognized that it was her time again to head back into the workforce and pick up the mantle of her calling.
It was already a huge but rewarding transition for her, and then real life happened quickly, taking her support network away from her tragically and leaving her to pick up the pieces all over again.
The series delivered a gratifying journey for Tommy as she adjusted to life as a widowed working mom trying to cope with her own grief while tending to the grief of her daughters.

We saw the mourning period for her, and the series didn’t hesitate to spotlight that. Her grieving was a process that the series took strides in exploring while still juggling some of the expectations of what the job demanded.
It resulted in some, at times, troubling arcs, like Tommy still having dinner with her deceased husband or eventually sleeping with her husband’s younger brother as they fought, made amends, and grieved together.
But even after all of that, it felt like a messy, chaotic, but earnest attempt to explore Tommy and what she faced as life dealt her tough hands, and she tried to persevere.
Tommy’s Arc as a Woman Adapting to New Phases in Her Life Was Gratifying
Tommy approaching the dating scene felt like a natural next step for her, and the introduction of Trevor brought some complications but a sense of hope and happiness.
It was rewarding that Tommy could learn to put herself out there and open her heart to love again despite her loss.

Tommy and Trevor became as established and beloved a couple as the Ryders, Tarlos, Nancy, and Mateo. The series devoted a lot of time to that pairing, and it felt like they were on the fast track toward marriage.
Hell, it was during Tarlos’ Wedding that it felt set in stone that Tommy and Trevor would be walking down the aisle next.
The series devoted much time to exploring the complications and humor behind blending two families, especially as Trevor’s daughter often plotted against Tommy at every turn.
Breaking Up Tommy and Trevor was a Disservice (And It Went Downhill From There)
It all came together rather nicely, but then they threw a curveball at us when they decided that Tommy and Trevor would have to break up so Trevor could return to Kansas for the betterment of his daughter and ex-wife.

The Tommy and Trevor breakup during 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Episode 4 was frustrating, and it felt as if they threw away all this great character development and attention they poured into this relationship.
It was especially frustrating when we had to consider that the series losing Grace ahead of its premiere meant we also missed out on the grounding force that was The Ryders.
But more importantly, it became clear that without a story arc that involved Tommy finding her happily ever after with Trevor, they didn’t know what more they wanted to do with her.
And the result was something so incredibly bleak, alienating, and heartbreaking that fans have been angry since.
There was something beautiful about what Tommy represented as a strong, resilient woman who had reentered the workforce, became a widow, raised her children on her own, and found love again.
Tommy’s Breast Cancer Arc Didn’t Serve the Character or Any of Her Relationships Well

These developments for her character were enough! The mentorship bonds she took up with Nancy and T.K. were also incredibly compelling and more than satisfying to watch.
Giving Tommy breast cancer felt like such a needless colossal blow to her storyline. Charles’ death, while tragic, at least felt like it had some thought and meaning to it.
Tommy’s breast cancer and subsequent death sentence feel more like tragedy porn for the sake of extolling quick, cheap emotions out of the audience.
We didn’t need to see Tommy fighting through another obstacle life threw her way because we’ve already seen her do that. She’s been doing it her entire run on the series.
Instead, Tommy’s breast cancer feels like a bat to the kneecaps for the character for shock value, and she deserves so much better than this.

Sure, Gina Torres is phenomenal, and she’s elevated the hell out of this script with her performance. I didn’t need to see her capabilities via this heavy arc because I already knew what she could do with something like this.
But not only was this storyline needless and cruel — there hasn’t even been enough time to give it its due in the first place. It also falls completely apart when Tommy, more often than not, is an afterthought who takes a backseat because of all the other ridiculous storylines this season.
A Poorly Fleshed Out Cancer Arc is a Disappointing End to a Great Character
They didn’t even make Tommy’s cancer a central storyline that deeply impacts the station and her family there. Outside of Nancy, there has been no consistency in depicting how everyone loves and cares about her and is looking after her.

The arc completely decimates what we’ve always known and loved about Tommy’s friendship with Judd by not having him a constant figure in her darkest days because he is shrouded in darkness and battling his own demons.
Tommy’s cancer arc also pointedly illuminates how terrible Grace’s absence is in this show. Not only are we forced to see Tommy endure a devastating challenge in and to her life, but we also have to accept that Grace wouldn’t find a way back to her friend to support her.
Her cancer disrupts the idea of the 126 as a family when the last time they all made a stand for her was in the performative show against the council over her cancer treatment funds.
Tommy’s cancer arc separates her from the house and many of the other characters, and then they leave her there at her home, possibly dying after seeing her husband in a dream.
It’s not the way you’d expect one of the series’ most formidable, complex, and rich characters to bow out in the final season.

Even if we’re to believe that the final moments of 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Episode 11 were just Tommy making peace with dying and resting until one final push and real goodbye, it’s still not something I can accept for the character.
They disrupted her happy life, sent the man who cared about her away with no other reference to how he may have reacted to this devastating news, left her mostly alone, and had her dying.
There’s something unsatisfying about that for the character, even if she does miraculously recover from all of this. It’s a disappointing final arc for Tommy, and she deserves infinitely better.
But don’t we all?
Over to you, 9-1-1: Lone Star Fanatics. How are you feeling about Tommy’s fate? Let’s hear it below!
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