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9-1-1 Season 6 Episode 14 Recap: Performance Anxiety

Eddie’s Tía Pepa calls Eddie over under the guise of needing something fixed but instead tries to set him up on a date with a friend’s daughter, Vanessa.

Eddie talks about the ambush at the 118, and Hen wonders if he’s nervous about the upcoming date. He decides he will let her down gently on the date.

Bobby does annual performance reviews with his crew, and during Chimney’s, he tells him he believes he’s gotten too comfortable and wants him to go back to the academy and work on his leadership skills.

At the academy, Chimney runs into Ravi, who’s been working there as a peer group instructor, after saving a family in a sinking car and being unable to return to firefighting with a bum shoulder.

A woman at a commercial bakery argues with her supervisor during her performance review. The supervisor disagrees with her using a cage on the equipment, even though it’s safer. When the woman defies her supervisor by using the cage, she comes out to try and demonstrate why it’s unnecessary but ends up falling into the mixer.

The 118 work to free her, but with a clean separation of her arm, they can only keep her connected to the mixing wand so she can be transported to the hospital.

Chimney and Ravi oversee training drills at the academy, including rescuing a baby from a building. One young hopeful, Novak, recovers the baby in time.

Eddie and Vanessa go on their date, and Vanessa tells him that she was dumped by her fiancé a year ago and she’s not looking for anything serious, but she and Eddie come up with a plan to tell their tías about their date so they don’t hurt their feelings.

Maddie gets a call from a teen in a bathroom at a school having a panic attack ahead of their audition. She helps distract him with a song, and the two sing together before he can go to his audition.

During Eddie’s review with Bobby, he laments his failed date, and Bobby encourages him to find the right work/life balance.

During a trust exercise, Novak becomes stuck on the side of the wall while rappelling down. Another hopeful tries to help but falls and hurts his shoulder. Chimney then gets down to the wall and helps Novak get down safely.

At a bodybuilding competition, a man slices his bicep on the trophy his son won. When the 118 arrive, the crowd is unruly, as they discover the man, a famous bodybuilder, has been cheating by ingesting synthetic oil, which is oozing out of his bicep. Athena has to calm the crowd down so they can get the patient transported.

Hen and Athena discuss Hen’s fears of Nathaniel’s return and the feeling that she needs to be perfect now that he’s a part of Denny’s life.

Ravi opens up to Chimney about the save her made of the family and tells him that he saved the father and one child, but another died. The father was trying to kill them all by crashing the car, and he’s haunted by it.

Eddie and Pepa discuss his fake date, and she tells him she doesn’t want him to be alone.

Novak leaves the academy, and Chimney gives him the number to dispatch, feeling like he could be a good fit.

Chimney brings Ravi back to the 118.

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