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90210 to Shake Up Cast; Does AnnaLynne McCord Want Out?

Changes are coming to 90210.

With new showrunners Patti Carr and Lara Olsen on board, AnnaLynne McCord made it very clear in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly: many cast members will not be returning.

“That’s something we’ve been told,” the actress confirmed. “I think their reasoning for thinking they might slim down the cast is because it might be too much going with having people in different places.”

Max and Naomi Picture
(The CW/Michael Desmond)

We already know that Debbie and Ryan are gone. Based on events from the finale, it would be easy to write out Liam. And perhaps Adrianna will be shipped off to therapy?

But with such a major development affecting Naomi to conclude season three, no way McCord is going anywhere… right?


Possibly wrong, however.

The actress told the magazine that she isn’t very enthusiastic any longer about her role on 90210.

“Honestly, after about three years on a show, you’re like, ‘Thank you very much for giving me a step up. Now can I go do movies?’” she said. “We love our job and we love our fans especially, but you’re always ready for that moment when you can break free. I don’t know who’s going to be lucky, the ones who stay or go. We haven’t decided yet.”

Could the show write out Naomi? Sure, she’s having Max’s baby and could move across the country to be with him. Should the show write out Naomi? Would you still watch? Sound off now in our Comments section and in our 90210 forum!

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