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By Carissa Pavlica

Sophia and Michael are on a mission to catch Thomas, while he continues to be five steps ahead. What did you think of The Event this week?

By Carissa Pavlica

This two hour return of The Event was filled with non-stop action and answered more questions than we were expecting. Read our full review to find out what happened on “And Then There Were More” and “Inostranka.”

By Carissa Pavlica

Martinez tries to root out a traitor on this episode of The Event, which concludes with a major mid-season cliffhanger. Elsewhere, Leila and Sean must avoid mercenaries in their search for Samantha.

By Carissa Pavlica

Look out! Dempsey sends his people after Sean and Leila this week in “Your World to Take.” Elsewhere, Sophia attempts to deal with those who are against her agenda.

By Carissa Pavlica

Martinez interrogates Michael this week, while Vicky’s bosses send her on a mission. Read on for a detailed recap of “For the Good of Our Country.”

By Carissa Pavlica

Family secrets came out this week. They interfered with the search for the truth, as outlined in this recap of “I Know Who You Are.”

By Carissa Pavlica

Martinez and Sterling think there’s a traitor around them when a deal with Thomas get undermined. Meanwhile, Sean meets with a a conspiracy theorist and Simon must decide where his “Loyalty” lies.

By Carissa Pavlica

The CDC tries to identify the contagion and treat those infected on this installment. The episode is titled “Casualties of War.”

By Carissa Pavlica

The White House tries to crack Sophia on this episode, “A Matter of Life and Death”. Elsewhere, Victor’s secret life is exposed, while Vicky and Carter remain hostages.

By Carissa Pavlica

President Martinez unleashes a tough new strategy to force Sophia to reveal the detainees’ plans on this episode, “Protect Them From the Truth”, as we also meet a new detainee, Maya. Elsewhere, Agent Collier’s suspicions grow more severe.