Gary is on the hunt for Barbara Morgan. He runs into Drea Matteo who claims she's not Barbara Morgan, but she asks questions about Jon.
Her husband, Mitch, wants to know what the fella at the door wanted, and she says it's OK. He's gone.
The guys pick up Eddie off the tour bus and give him the rundown of everything that's happened in his absence.
In addition to finding out about Barbara Morgan, Gary has every intention of learning how Eddie managed to go on a sexless rock and roll tour.
Regina is getting the restaurant ready but has neither the liquor license nor the certificate of occupancy. When her bartender says he can't hang on without those things, her mother steps in and gets on Regina's nerves.
Eddie catches up with Delilah while Gary worries over Eddie's sex life.
Maggie asks about Rome's mental health, and he still says it's OK to be off the meds.
The superman from the elevator arrives to give advice to Delilah.
Gary and Eddie meet with the private investigator who knows who Eddie is and wants backstage passes.
When Shelley reveals that the money for the restaurant came from Uncle Neil, Regina kicks out her mother and quits.
Rome asks Maggie to help Regina.
Gary wonders about the guardian angel but is surprised when he comes through with the liquor license.
Eddie really enjoys playing rock star to the private investigator, and they make out after he sings her a song.
Joanna hears from a gallery that showed an artist named B. Morgan. The chemo painting!
Regina was 12 when her uncle abused her on the day she didn't get to go to a middle school dance. Gina blames herself for taking off her shirt that night, something Rome doesn't believe at all. She let Neil touch her because she very much needed to feel love.
She things that since he didn't rape her, it wasn't that big of a deal even though she's remained ashamed for years since. The next day she tried to tell her mother, but her mother said Regina must have misunderstood and Neil was just trying to comfort her. Regina thinks she was too flirty.
Regina will not allow Neil to think she took that money and that everything is OK.
Maggie and Regina and Rome are hitting the road to confront Neil. Maggie worries that Regina won't get what she wants — for him to apologize.
Andrew returns with the liquor license the next day, framed, and shares that he got the restaurant two new bartenders.
Regina's uncle is in the hospital, but when she arrives, it's too late. He died.
Gary finds the last remaining B. Morgan painting of the NY skyline. Jon bought all of her paintings and the money went to her home address. Gary says she moved.
Regina freaks out when she sees Shelley walking in the hospital. Maggie wants Regina to consider the idea that Neil didn't only molest her but his little sister as well. Maybe accepting Gina's truth would make Shelley confront her own, something she couldn't do.
Gary sneaks up on Andrew just after he gets the certificate of occupancy. Gary thinks Andrew is too good to be true.
Regina, meanwhile, is on her way back. She's still in the deal.
Andrew wonders if Gary is OK. Gary is trying to keep everyone safe.
Delilah took her ring off.
Maggie drags Regina out of the kitchen so she can see everyone salivating over every bite of her food.
Regina is giving all of the money away to a women's shelter. They're considering allowing Andrew to invest.
Barbara keeps her laptop locked with a key sent to Barbara Morgan that she uses to watch Jon's apology.