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Abbott Elementary Season 3 Episode 1 Recap: Career Day Part 1

Abbott Elementary returns with Season 3 Episode 1: Career Day Part 1. In this first installment of the premiere, we learn that Janine has taken a new job with the school district. After this revelation, we flash back to five months ago.

New school district employee Manny and his team are visiting Abbott to scope out the school and its teachers, and they ask to shadow Janine in her classroom for the day. While working together, Manny tells Janine about an exciting opportunity she'd be an excellent fit for at the district. She's flattered, but tells Manny she couldn't give up her teaching position and leave her class behind.

Over the summer, Ava finished her degree and is now focused on doing everything at Abbott by the book. Her antics are driving the teachers crazy, so they join forces to try and get her to let go of some of her new rigid policies.

Manny continues to try to convince Janine to consider the district position, but she's skeptical. Janine turns to her coworkers for advice on whether she should take it.

The flashback ends and brings us back to the present day, where Janine has a bombshell to drop on Gregory, whose response is unexpected.

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