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Abbott Elementary Season 3 Episode 2 Recap: Career Day Part 2

In part two of the Abbott Elementary premiere, things kick off on Career Day at the school. Janine, Manny, and the rest of the district team are at Abbott to help out for the day. Guests are assigned to each classroom to give presentations about their careers to the students.

Melissa's boyfriend, Gary, wants to take things to the next level in their relationship. Meanwhile, Janine puts a lot of pressure on herself for Career Day to go perfectly because its success will impact her fellowship at the school district.

Despite being happy in her new role, Janine shows some emotion when connecting with her old classroom and their substitute, Ms. Lee. Janine struggles to give up control in the classroom.

We get to find out more about Mr. Johnson, who is presenting in Jacob's class for Career Day. His stories are entertaining Jacob as much as the students.

A special guest joins Melissa's classroom via video conference when things get a little boring with the Career Day presenter. Gary makes a big move, and Melissa makes a difficult decision.

Janine and Gregory, who haven't really spoken since Janine left for the district job, share a moment after Career Day ends.

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