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Absentia Season 1 Episode 5 Recap: Dig

Emily bounds Dr Vega to a chair in his office and takes her file. Emily says she remembers something about the bleeding eye when she was a kid. She has a vision of a tree with an indentation that looks like a bleeding eye. It’s from her time in the orphanage. She remembers where the bleeding eye is, but can’t tell Dr. Vega for fear he’ll tell the police.

Agent Crown takes Adam Radford’s position at the FBI. He wants Nick to be the point person with Boston PD to bring Emily in safely. Nick tells Crown about Adam being a crooked FBI agent. Crown says to keep it quiet until they bring in Emily and then they’ll go to internal affairs together. 

Dr. Vega think that Emily may have a split personality. Maybe she is both the killer and the investigator. 

Alice takes a pregnancy test but we don’t see the result. Later she asks Nick if he slept with Emily, but he doesn’t answer. Then she asks if he still loves her. Nick says a part of him will always love her. 

Emily sees that Radford was murdered on TV and calls Nick to say that she left him alive. He begs her to turn herself in before she gets shot. 

Jack tries to convince their father that Emily is murderer and that she’s disappeared. The two fight. Jack wants his father to turn Emily in if she calls him.

Emily board a bus to Nottingham Park, the place she remembers playing as a child. After talking to Jack, Nick figures out the connection to Nottingham Park and he, Gibbs, and the State Police head there. 

Emily finds the tree with the eye. It also has her name carved into it. Emily begins digging near the tree and finds a skeleton in a shallow grave. She takes a medical device off the body, but she has to run when the police arrive. Gibbs thinks Emily may have killed this person long before she was abducted. 

Emily has to swim across a river to get away and has to fight off a panic attack. She gets to a truck stop, sneaks onto a truck and uses the cell phone to call a hospital to get patient information from the serial number of the pacemaker she took, but they won’t give her the information.

As the FBI swarm the truck stop, Emily hides in the truck. The trucker gets in and begins to drive off, but then stops the truck and gets out. When he comes back he pulls the curtain back to hold a gun on Emily. 

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