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Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: Hugo

  • A mother beats a young Latino man who was leaving his job with a baseball bat. It's the opening of a case in which that man goes missing.
  • Jason is running his private security firm with his partner and girlfriend, June.
  • Some of their associates show Jason and June footage of the man, Hugo, getting held hostage. He sends it to Nikki who doesn't want to leave Keith yet
  • The woman is holding hugo hostage because she believes he sold her son Fentaynl and he died.
  • Mike has new information about Keith's abductuction. They have footage of him when he told the clerk that a man was following him and Mike wants to speak to Keith. Nikki is hesitant but begrudgingly believes.
  • Kemi narrows down who the suspect is based on her glasses.
  • They bust down Molly's home but she's not there. She must be holding Hugo somewhere else.
  • Molly feeds Hugo fentanyl and is now prepares to give him another cocktail of drugs for more information about who is behind all the drugs.
  • Molly begged the cops for help on her son.
  • A nurse brings C's father to the office because she has an emergency.
  • Keith talks to Mike. He claims that someone was outside his window and he opned it. He deflects from the questioning and comments about all the chanes that happened with his family. Mike tries to get him to give a n ame but he refuses and Nikki stops the questioning.
  • Sydney shows up at the office and Kemi noticces that she's a bit off. She doesn't believe Keith is who he claims he is.
  • June and Jason argue about fertlitily and such in the elevator with everyone else.
  • C is angry when Kemi starts her rituals in his office.
  • C is upset about his father being mentally gone.
  • they head back to the fast food joint to figure out how the drugs are being sold and  find the person who is really selling the drugs. Molly has the wrong person.
  • C's father starts talking for the first time in forever after he spends time with Kemi because he's triggered by her sandalwood.
  • Kemi is able to locate where Molly is keeping Hugo.
  • Jason sympathizes with Molly because he'd want to do the same thing to Keith's abductor.
  • They bicker about what to do and how to help Keith.
  • They talk Molly down and save Hugo.
  • Mike has a lead on who kidnapped Keith.
  • Jason gets June to help him with the database that leads to where the potential kidnapper is.
  • Jason busts down every door at the motel against Nikki's orders whie she investigates other areas of the place and finds Jason.
  • they find out the person who rented the room was a woman.
  • C thanks Kemi.
  • Mike sees Nikki comforting Jason and is in his feelings.
  • Mike takes back Nikki's ring and says he understands that Keith needs to adjust to things first.
  • Jason gets back home and June is gone. She took all her things.
  • Sydney tells Nikki she has proof that Keith isn't who he says he is and that Keith is writing with his right hand instead of his left but Nikki tells Sydney about Keith's multiple fractures and that's why he's using a different hand.
  • Nikki reassures Keith that she'll help him get through things and Sydndy will eventually come around.
  • Sydney texts her friend back and forth because they still don't believe Keith is who he says he is because they know what really happened.

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