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Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 2 Episode 2 Recap: Benjamin Franklin

A Benjamin Franklin impersonator gives a tour at a market.

Some mysterious guy claims that he recognizes the impersonator from Kansas City and the impersonator gets paranoid about it, distracts the children that the guy is with and disappears.

Kemi offers to run a background check on Wayne.

A new forensic scientist Helen, joins the crew. She gives Kemi and Nikki presents.

Jay and Mike bicker as new partners having to work together.

Jay is interested in the mystery behind the car bombing, and Mike warns him against it out of concern for Nikki.

The tour performers go to Nikki and report their Benjamin Franklin as missing.

Helen gives Mike and Jay presents.

Kemi gives them insight into the missing Ben Franklin using Richard Saunderes as a pseudonym like in the past and jokes about her relationship with him in a past life.

Jay ponders how much trouble an elderly tour guide could be in, but we cut to the impersonator removing prosthetics off his face, pulling out a gun and go bag and setting a briefcase on fire along with the place he was staying at.

Kemi looked into Helen and learned that her personality clashes with previous superiors, and she's been moved around a lot.

Helen gives them a lead that takes them to the colonial era place the Ben Franklin burned down, and she gets on Kemi's bad side by implyihng she has a mental issue.

They realized that their missing guy is Owen Mallloy, and old Irish mob enforcer who became a CI.

Owen finds the man who identified him and holds him at gunpoint wondering who else he told. But he doesn't get to do anything further when the alert is released about him being missing.

Charlie, the new mob boss feels that Owen was the one who killed his father twenty years ago.

Jay discovers that Owen killed the boss and hid because he has a daughter, who is the only reason he stayed in town, and now their alert is putting people on radar.

They see the car incident happened across from a mob bar, and Jay wants to go in where Mike doesn't.

After getting shut down by the bartender when they go inside, Jason jumps on the table and asks if anyone seen anything and the mugging outside, and Jay susses out who it was. They ask him about Owen Malloy.

Nikki and Kemi get Ava, Owen's daughter off the streets because they realize that Owen adjusted his tour route so he coud see her.

She recognizes Benji and believes her father was killed.

Charlie McGannon, the head of the Irish mob, shows up to talk to Nikki because he heard that they're looking for Owen Malloy.

He tells Nikki to back off from Owen Malloy. He and Nikki have a relationship because Charlie ponted her toward intel and helped her climb the ranks with closing  cases.

Charlie lays a threat.

Nikki tells Mike that Charlie was her CI. And the quickest way to end a mob war is to help one side win. Now Charlie is calling in a favor.

Helen oversteps again when she gives Kemi a file about the science discrediting Kemi's past life experiences. And Kemi tells her that she needs her to focus on the job and her behavior is why she's been transferred so much.

Owen goes to see Ava.  He shows her the picture of her whehn she was a baby and tries to talk to her. He leaves her a burner phone so they can talk when it's safe.

More men come for him while he's talking and she tells him to run.

Charlie pulls up in a van and they throw Owen in and take him.

Nikki brings Charlie in on unpaid parking tickets and she feels as long as Charlie is there, he can't make the call to have Owen executed, so they have that long to find Owen.

They use the burner phone to track Owen's phone up until a certain point and realize he's getting taken to a cabin in the Poconos.

Owen denies that he ever killed Charlie's father.

Helen helps them figure out where Owen is but now they have to race to get there in time since Charlie's lawyer is getting him out.

Charlie threatens Nikki when he gets his phnoe back. Jay and Mike engage in fire with everyone.  A henchman almost takes out Mike but Jay pushes him out the way and Owen takes the guy down.

Charlie made the call, but it was too late.

Owen and Ava reunite.

Kemi brings Helen a gift, a cactus and apologizes to her for snapping at her and Helen apologizes to her as well. She talks about her mother having bipolar and how she had a hard time with it but learning about the scientific reasons why her mother behaved that way was like a cloud lifting.

Jay and Mike talk about Nikki's mob connection. Jay warns Mike against tryihng to save Nikki and he agrees to leave it alone.

Nikki talks to Charlie. She tells him she knows that he killed his own father but she won't do anything with the information if he left things alone.

Charlie tries to entice her to work with ihm again and she talks about things being different now.

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