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Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: Maya

Two unhoused teenagers stop by the Drag Queen club to get leftover food from one of the Queens who looks out for them.

When they part ways, Maya senses a car creeping behind her, and someone comes up behind her, uses chloroform, and kidnaps her, leaving her backpack behind.

Mike is coaching some youth in basketball at the center. Nikki brings pizza for them. But the missing girl's friend comes to the program and asks Mike and Nikki for help.

Jax, Maya's friend shows Mike and Jason where they get food from and the last place she saw her.

They catch up with Canary, who says she found Maya's bag. All the gay guys keep flirting with Mike and Jay is jealous about it.

They find drugs in Maya's backpack and speculate that she may have a drug problem. They also find pictures of Maya with her girlfriend taken at a soccer camp.

Jay admits to Nikki that he looked into the Moritz murder and tells her about how a virus nuked him when he went looking.

He tells Nikki that Hollis whitelisted him. And Mike comes in to tell them that Hollis wants a lunch with Mike.

They get a real ID on Maya, who is originally from  New Jersey and had a different name, and they issue an alert.

Maya wakes up in a creepy basement somewhere and is shackled to a bed with a camera on her.

She starts to have an anxiety attack when she realizes the situation that she's in.

They call Maya's parents, who acknowledge that she ran away multiple times, and they don't bother reporting the last one.

Kemi is emotional and goes off on the parents. She knows that they're indifferent about their daughter and don't care to understand her.

Mike and Jay hit the homeless sheslter and get information.

Maya notices a series of names written on the nightstand, presumably previous victims.

Jason talks Mike into getting a leather jacket and dressing the part to meet up with the drug dealer. He gets a leather jacket that makes him look like something from the Village people.

They talk to Skit, but they call them out as cops right away. They give chase, and with assistance from someone in the neighborhood, they manage to arrest Skit.

Skit says Maya bought from them, but she got Xanax because she needs it for her mental health.

Kemi goes to speak with Caitlin, Maya's possible girlfriend. Caitlin doesn't want to talk at first.

Caitlin shares that she's not out and a couple of weeks ago, Maya showed up at her door wanting to stay with her and didn't realize that Caitlin wasn't out. Caitlin sent her away so she wasn't outed.

They realize Maya must've worked at a bar. She picked up money from there, and the owner talked about how he helps the homeless kids there. He's happy that people are finally asking about the missing kids that slip through the cracks.

Hollis shows up at Mike's office to talk about his background and mention that Mike can really go places and implies he has to get rid of Jason.

Kemi's research says that there are 190 kids missing in Pennyslvania alone.

Jason gets Canary to come in and assist them.

Canary identifies a few of the missing kids.

The guy keeping Maya hostage wants her to clean herself up and get prettied up because he's selling her online.

The nexus is that the bar owner Jason and Mike talked to has a record for a relationship with a minor and owns all the bars that the missing kids worked at. The bar owner explains himself and offers to help.

David mentions the bartender went missing, and they piece together that he's the one got squirrelly and may have something do with Maya's disappearance.

Kemi discovers that he has a lot of fiber optics at his house and must be uploading and downloading loads of content.

Kemi uses Wayne's help to tap into the bartender Richard's stuff. He's broadcasting Maya live and trafficking her. They have a half hour to save her.

Richard discovers that the police are onto him and shut down his site.

Richard heads downstairs to get rid of Maya, and she hits him with the bed leg she was able to unscrew and frees herself with the keys.

Mike and Jason come in in time and shoot Richard when he's about to attack Maya.

Kemi is not happy about Maya's parents coming to pick her up. Kemi talks to Maya. She talks about her own situation of getting taken and the police saving her, not her family.

She also relays Caitlin's message of missing her.  She hugs her and gives her words of encouragement.

Maya shares that she changed her name because she was inspired by Maya Angelou.

Nikki and Mike talk about Hollis, and he wonders if Hollis has a reason to be looking into Jay. Nikki lies to Mike about it.

Nikki meets with Jay in secret. She shares that someone confessed to the bomb situation, but Jay doesn't believe it.

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