Spencer smartly freed himself from some of the weight on his shoulders.
It was good that he's learning to cope with his new folk hero status on All American Season 3 Episode 3.
Too bad it wasn't detailed what was on a Spencer James sandwich. How was it that no one had mentioned that honor to him previously? That must have been a fairly recent development.
No pressure there; being expected to take the South Crenshaw football program to the promised land. After all, Spencer also brought a state-championship coach/local legend back with him.
Not that that was any different than when he was at Beverly.

But at Beverly, he was the ringer brought in to give that squad the necessary talent to win. In Crenshaw, he's the conquering hero returning to save the school from the mean superintendent.
That would be stressful enough. But Spencer has so much else with which to deal.
There are all those secrets that he has been keeping.
Apparently, the sexy night in Vegas was with a rebounding Olivia instead of Layla as it had seemed earlier.
At least Spencer and Olivia kind of talked that out, both agreeing to forget about it. But the way she's been eyeing Spencer and Layla, it doesn't seem like she's ready to do that.

Rather than continuing to appear secretive, Spencer told Layla about his phantom arm weakness. And being a dutiful girlfriend with familiarity with therapy, she found the right kind of therapist for him, and he smartly agreed.
Spencer has never dealt with his being shot. Sure, he did the physical rehab to get his arm right. But he never considered the psychological impact.
If the band's bass drums were reminding him of gunshots, it's well past time for him to do so.
It also didn't help Spencer that Crenshaw's quarterbacks were acting like whiny little bitches.
Darnell was pouting because he wasn't starting. It was a good thing that Captain Awesome found him and set him straight.

Did Ryan McPartlin seem that big on Chuck? Was he surrounded by tall people then, or is Taye Diggs short?
It's great that Billy has a sounding board with whom to be philosophical. Spencer can't fill that role as well.
Chris was ignoring his team's best weapon out of spite and was playing scared. Billy was right to sub in Darnell to create a spark.
Unfortunately, based on the next episode's trailer, it appears the quarterback controversy is over before it really got going. Darnell's likable, but I guess there were too many characters for whom to find screen time.
Didn't you know that when Billy was bitching about needing a kicker that Crenshaw was going to lose its first game on a missed extra point? He can't find a soccer player in South L.A.? Really?

Now it will be "We've got something to prove" and "Let's win it for Darnell." Whatever gets them back on track.
Coop hasn't been there for Spencer later since she has been too worried about what Mo is up to. And frankly, informing Spencer that his shooter was in custody right before game time was ill-conceived. No wonder he snapped at her.
What to make of Mo? Maybe she is doing exactly what she said — trying to clean up the neighborhood.
But the show needs a villain, and prissy D'Angelo just isn't going to cut it in that role.
I mean, he's still waiting for Billy to apologize for bullying him enough as a youth that he left Crenshaw and ended up a successful educator. What a burden he carries!

Meanwhile, Billy washed out of pro ball and ended up back where he started, his glory days long behind him.
So karma's done her job already.
Back to Mo. It's too early to dub her a community activist yet. She bears watching.
Still, Coop needs to do something more useful. Either be a student or hit the studio for real. Being a full-time paranoid doesn't suit her.
Laura had to tell her (to paraphrase), "Dude, it's a good thing Spencer's shooter is off the street. Don't overthink it."

Spencer wasn't the only one keeping secrets. What Olivia has been holding inside has driven her off the wagon.
She and Spencer somewhat dealt with her tryst. Then she forgave Asher, way too easily, when she finally let him fess up about Vanessa.
Wasn't that four-way double-date the absolute worst? Jordan wasn't ready to talk with Spencer. Olivia couldn't stand to be in the same room with Vanessa.
J.J. That's it. That's the take.
Oh, well. The new girl has to be free to make her own mistakes.

So this season's recovery poster girl Layla is the most well-adjusted female while Olivia, last season's well-adjusted female, is coming apart.
Jordan finally stepped up after almost everyone told him he needed to do so. And didn't Coach Montes smirk when he did.
This is Jordan's chance to shine, but it's going to be harder, passing to JJ and inevitably Asher instead of Spencer, who, as he proved again, can make any quarterback look good.
Now, if Jordan can focus for a whole season.

To follow Spencer's arm troubles, watch All American online.
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How long before Olivia gets found out?
Mo, a force for good or evil?
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