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All Rise Season 3 Episode 11 Recap: Unwanted Guest

Ness, Amy, Luke, and Sara enter the courthouse to find a celebration because Ness passed the bar. As Ness approaches the elevator, she sees her attacker, Leo Sikes.

It was a cruel dream since Sara sat beside Ness in the ICU. Amy joins her, and they're convinced Ness is fearless.

Sara joins Mark at the courthouse, who needs help packing up Teddy's things. There are protesters outside because of the Native American land case.

Lola gathers everyone since it's the first day back and offers trauma counseling and extra security because of the violence.

Luke a Native American, Mwaar 'Moon' Carmona, who bull-dozed a university building. They think it’s vandalism and there are witnesses. The entire tribe arrives to bless Luke to give him the wisdom to fight for them and help the jurors find understanding.

Luke explains his client borrows some equipment from an unoccupied building. Mark thinks it's a simple vandalism case, but Luke wants to explain her motives and the land's history since it was on sacred ground.

As they argue, the door opens, and Teddy arrives, shocking everyone. Lola rules the defense may use the property's history and the jurors can decide its relevance. A bystander hates this, lashes out about his research, and throws a knife at Lola.

Judge Marshall dislikes that Lola allowed the property's history in and worries they'll have more protesters, but Lola wants a fair trial.

Emily returns to court, and Carol asks her to return to the PD's office, specifically to team up with Luke. Luke didn't want the co-counsel, but Carol needed them to beat Mark and Teddy.

Mark visits Lola at the hospital, and she admits she and Andre kissed, and she's unsure how to tell Robin since things are still strained. Just then the doctor had an update. Lola convinces him to fight for Ness.

Luke doesn't want Emily's tips on interviewing witnessing as he begins examining the university's president about opening sit-in meetings with respect. She reiterates that over 60 percent of the college was POC.

MMark interviews Mr. Sepulveda, the leader of the Tonga tribe who says he offered a blessing for the science center. He designed the Golden Eagle monument. Mark asked him if he had problems with the center being built and he said he prayed and realized they were scholars who should be welcomed.

Emily cross-examined him, making it sound like he gets paid to give his blessing and dissuade the public's guilt for using sacred land. She learns that Tonga isn't a recognized tribe, and he doesn't speak for all of them.

Mark takes Amy for a picnic by the impressive Tonga monument. She's about to submit her divorce papers and is ready to start planning their wedding, starting with their wedding registry.

Luke and Emily are eating Thai food, avoiding talking about their relationship. She was afraid she was going to lose him.

Lola returns home to find Robin packing. He admits he saw her kiss Andre, and he and Bailey will stay with his parents for a few days. She breaks down apologizing and begs him not to take her daughter away.

Luke and Emily advise Moon not to testify, but she's tired of looking like a crazy radical. Emily urges her to reconsider since she's still trying to convince the university to let her graduate.

When she takes the stand,  she admits she's been fighting the building since her freshman year. The site is sacred. She's very powerful as she explains most kids don't see their ancestors dragged down the street or children murdered at school.

Everyone was affected when Moon admitted she learned in school that a beautiful mission was built there in the 1700s. However, she only recently learned that it was created by her enslaved ancestors, so she's not remorseful.

When Lola declares a recess, Mark wonders if they should offer a plea since the jury will find her sympathetic. He offers Luke a misdemeanor with restitution, but Moon refuses, saying she didn't do anything wrong.

Mark has Teddy question her next, so he asks why she's not listed in any tribal role. She admits she didn't know of her heritage until she was a teenager, but tried to learn everything she could. He accuses her of being a cause junkie and a confrontation ensues.

Collier called Amy, but she didn't seem too worried.

Sherri's mom showed up unexpectedly. Her dad has heart problems, so they left the community, which sounds like a strict cult. Her dad wants to return and hates doctors.

The jury finds Moon Carmona not guilty. Emily got her an internship so she graduate and not return to university property.

Lisa and Lola are out getting drinks when Lola gets a text about Ness. We think she died since Amy is at home sobbing, but Collier died. In the last scene, Ness opens her eyes.

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