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All Rise Season 3 Episode 12 Recap: Guilt is a Bully

Amy and Mark are half-naked in the kitchen, joking if they have time for shower sex. Amy is still acting off and suggests eloping, but Mark wants a wedding with everyone there.

He calls Lola to help with planning, who suggests cake tasting.

Sara is helping Maggie Palming with a new client, Gabriel Salas, who had his kidney violently stolen from him. Maggie needs Sara to be less empathetic and help her prepare their client for trial.

Amy tries to get the burglary charge dismissed since her client, Damien Davis, purchased the kidney but was unaware they'd use violent force, and the actual traffickers have already been arrested.

Carol asks Luke and Emily to team up again on the Blue Lobster case since the defendant can't afford a lawyer and her family kicked her out. Lola tries to keep busy with Robin gone and asks Sherri to grab dinner, but Sherri is busy with her dad.

Amy convinces Damien to tell the jury how he only had a few months to live and needed that kidney to watch his family grow up. She plans to show how broken the healthcare system is.

Luke and Emily's client, Anna, was unaware that lobster was so expensive and stole it on a bet. They need proof since the restaurant is pressing charges. Luke gets an alert about a middle-aged black woman found dead in the dumpster.

Mark also worries about the alert and asks Tony if Carl Brewer could be guilty again. When wedding cakes are wheeled in, Tony suggests that Mark is distracting himself with work instead of focusing on Amy.

Sara tries to get more information from Gabriel, who admits he's worried about his daughter since he's fighting for custody. She offers help, and there's a spark between them.

Things get complicated when Amy interviews Dr. Barclay and learns that Damien had less than six months left to live and 250 people ahead of him on the transplant list. Gabriel runs out of the courtroom upset.

Sara learns that he was initially going to sell his kidney to help fund his custody case, but then he changed his mind because he didn't want to go to prison. Emily urges her to tell Maggie immediately, but Sara wants to give him time to come clean.

Sara tries to tell me Maggie, who ignores her. Amy informed the court that she had proof that Gabriel tried to buy a kidney.

Emily arrives with dinner, and Luke confides his fears that he let a guilty man go free. She asks if she can stay there since she's been having nightmares.

Mark and Lola go to a karaoke bar, celebrate his engagement, and then sing many songs. He gets video footage to blackmail her with.

In the middle of the night, Emily screams when a dream catcher lands on her and thinks it is a large bug. Luke comes running. They exchange smoldering looks and end up making love. The next morning, Emily holds out a strawberry and asks Luke to go steady.

Anna's brother tells Luke and Emily that Anna always had issues and their parents weren't attentive. They couldn't deal with her stealing and lying. Emily and Luke tell Mark their client is a kleptomaniac and needs help, and they want a mental health diversion.

They also discuss the murder case and pretend it's a coincidence. Amy learned Dr. Barclay worked for the black market selling organs, so she approached Maggie about working together to bring her down.

Lola wasn't thrilled about letting Damien off scot-free and ordered him to a year of community service, and then she'd dismiss the charges for both men. Maggie overhears Gabriel asking Sara out and realizes she knew ahead of time.

Amy realized how lucky she was because of that case and brought home samples for her and Mark to try, but he was still hung over. Lola texts Robin again, begging him to come home.

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