The show opens with a news report about Carl Brewer's arrest and how he was acquitted earlier this year and is now being charged with four more murders. Mark looks determined and worried as he watches the report.
Robin looks surprised to find Lola making breakfast. Their talk starts off nice, but then they start fighting again when she learns he's investigating Andre.
Ness is back at work and wants more responsibility than dealing with the annoying paralegals, especially one named Ben.
Luke wants more info on the case, but Mark won't budge. They're both surprised to see DDA Choi, who hugs them both and kicks Luke out. He came to help Mark.
Emily needs Sara's help when she introduces Luke to her dad. Sherri is so cute when she brings Lola her fan mail.
The trial begins. Carl's lawyer is Lola's rival, Corrine Cutthert. Detective Collins explains the similar patterns between the murders, the gunshots, and the rope burns and that the gun was registered to Carl. Corrine tries to make the detective incredible since he lied in another case.
There's a security breach on the computers at the law firm, and one of the paralegals realized he gave opposing counsel confidential info. Ness covered for him when she learned his wife had cancer and the family was struggling, but he confessed, and Andre fired him.
DDA Choi interviews a gas station worker and learns Carl always bought $13.06 in gas. She saw a woman in the back but wasn't suspicious until she heard about the recent murders.
Sara works hard to thaw the ice at an uncomfortable lunch with Emily, her dad, and Luke. It didn't matter; her dad mainly came because he needed a lawyer.
Corrine did an interview even though there was a gag order. She defends her client, and then the two women go off-record and have it out about the election.
Emily and her dad see Judge Fleming about many unpaid speeding and red light violations. The judge has a soft spot for her when he explains he's survived a heart attack, switched careers, and wants to live fully and not slow down. He only got a fine.
Sherri helps Robin surprise Lola with red roses. They finally reconcile and kiss on the couch. He sees Andre on the way out of the courthouse and warns him to stay away from his wife. Andre tries to taunt Robin, but Amy arrives before things turn violent.
Carl's sister Mildred explains Carl had cancer and isn't evil. As she testifies, Carl has a heart attack and has trouble breathing. They get him medical attention and dismiss the jury. Later, they heard he survived, so the trial continued.
Luke tells Emily's dad he got lucky with a small fine. He tells him how important Emily is to him. Mr. Lopez agrees to talk if Luke brings cognac and cigars next time.
The opposing counsel wants 25 million from Amy and Andre to keep quiet. As they're negotiating, Ness returns, saying the opposing council caused the glitch in their computers to send stuff to his cloud, and he has lots of confidential stuff there. She saved the day.
Mark questions Carl's sister about her storage unit, where they found bags of the victims' hair. Carl explodes, begging them not to harass his sister.
DA Choi is willing to plea if they learn more, but Mark wants the death penalty. Lola agreed to the plea if Carl disclosed where the bodies were.
DDA Choi warns him about his replacement.