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All Rise Season 3 Episode 15 Recap: Say Something

Robin cooked Lola her favorite breakfast. He has to meet with the bureau on Thursday but promises he's not moving back to DC.

Mark tries talking to Amy, but she's distracted by her first COA case. He thinks she'll be fine, especially with Judge Benner presiding.

Luke drops Emily off at work, and things are tense. She wasn't pregnant and wanted things to return to how they were.

Emily defends Jim Evans, a distraught father who pushed his daughter's bully, and the child fell and is in a coma.  He only wanted him to stop harassing his daughter since the school didn't do anything.

His daughter Katie was afraid to see the school counselor because of the children's ridicule, and she threatened to commit suicide. Emily feels for him and thinks they must prove he's a concerned father, not an angry man.

Amy presents her case to the COA about how the college is violating the anti-discrimination law. The other judges maintain the Christian college wanted to keep things traditional, but Amy says "whiteness" is a modern term.

She testifies that politics have shifted and thinks Black history should be taught.

Lola made the cover of Legal Motion. The trial against Jim Evans begins as the DA named Rory shows footage of the attack. He then questions the teacher, Ms. Ahoka, who hesitates to testify since Mr. Evans is a good dad.

She's forced to admit that Mr. Evans threatened Timothy if he ever hurt Katie again.

Mark and Luke get lost on their road trip and blame each other. Luke finds an old-school paper map, which they study and get back on the road.

Emily also questions Ms. Ahoka and asks if she knew Timothy bullied Katie. She also inquires about Timothy's behavioral issues.

Sara meets Gabriel and tells him social services agreed to help with childcare. He invites her to dinner in gratitude.

Dr. Dunn testifies that Timothy has a traumatic brain injury and will likely need help if he wakes up, and he may never wake up. Emily gets her to admit that he could be fine as well,

Sara and Emily discuss the case. Sara is unsure how Emily will win this one. As they discuss the case, Gabriel texts, and Sara tells Emily that they're going to dinner. Sara really likes him.

Lisa is upset the judges are hiding behind religion in this case. She tried to get Lola's opinion but struck a nerve because nothing ever changes for African Americans.

Lisa tried pointing out changes, but Lola felt like Lisa dismissed her opinion and she was angry that Black history isn't taught. She hopes Lisa makes a valid change.

Emily learns from the principal's testimony that Timothy was forced to apologize, and they never heard of any other incidents. She brings up Katie's suicide attempt, and right after, Sherri interrupts, and Lola calls a recess.

Some disturbing and fake photos of Lola and Andre were released. David Sanders arrived to help, but Lola and Sherri wanted him removed. Lisa insists they need him to do damage control as they brainstorm who is after Lola.

Lola is concerned about saving her marriage, so she postpones court until the next day.

Katie tells Emily she wants to testify to prove her dad's innocence. Jim tries to stop this, but when Emily shows him how they would tear his testimony apart, he relents.

Amy wants things to change, so it'll be better when she and Mark have kids. Hearing that, Luke confides how badly he wants children.

Sara and Gabriel had clam pizza on their date and ended the night with a kiss.

Sherri made an idea board with suspects. David was at the top of the list, which he sees when he comes by to tell them who did it. It was Martin Moore, and she tried his son for murder the year before. While she appreciates it, she hasn't forgotten what he did to her and Sherri.

Katie testified in court and stated that Timothy called her names and kicked her in the knees so she would fall. The bullying intensified after she told the school, and he got in trouble.

On the day of the incident, he waited for her after band and taunted that her dad was a loser, and she took after him. He grabbed her and told her to kill herself. Her dad arrived and pushed Timothy, and he hit the ground. She insists her dad was protecting her.

Lola speaks to both lawyers in her chambers. Rory is open to a plea, but Emily thinks Jim wants to make a statement.

Mark and Luke laugh about the disastrous road trip and admit they really wanted to hang out. They're nervous about things changing after Mark gets married.

Lisa tells Lola she googled things about uncomfortable talks with allies and she's going to push for change.

Rory offers Emily a good deal — four years probation and parenting classes. This case affected him, too. Jim is still hesitant, but Lola talks to him as a parent, and he agrees to take the deal.

Luke returns and tries to talk to Emily about kids, but she's afraid to bring them into this world.

Robin thinks Lola still has feelings for Andre.

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