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American Crime Story: Versace Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Descent

It's 1996 and Andrew is living in La Jolla, with the wealthy Norman. Norman throws Andrew a lavish birthday, which both Jeff and David attend. Andrew is looking to impress David and he even has a gift wrapped that he wants Jeff to give to him at the party, as a way of showing off that his friends love him.

After the party, Andrew brings a list of demands to Norman. These include an increase in his allowance and first class flights for himself. Norman rebuffs the idea and Andrew leaves him.

Jeff finds out that his father received a postcard from Andrew signed 'Love, Drew'. Jeff confronts Andrew about it, as he views it as a threat. Jeff tells Andrew that he is moving to Minneapolis for work and Andrew gets angry, believing he is moving there to be closer to David.

Andrew invites David to LA for an all expense paid trip, where he buys him suits and they stay in a luxurious suite. Andrew wants David to be with him but David is not interested.

David begins abusing heavier drugs than cocaine and after failing to pay back a dealer, he goes to Norman begging for him to take him back. Norman calls the police instead.

Desperate, Andrew goes to his mother's house. She bathes him and ignores his pleas for help, instead wishing him well on his next journey around the world.

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