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American Crime Story: Versace Season 1 Episode 7 Recap: Ascent

In 1992 Milan, Donatella and Gianni argue over her role within the company. Donatella is content being an assistant but Gianni wants more for her, as he is sick. He wants them to make a dress together and urges her to embrace the company, as it will one day be hers. 

Gianni convinces Donatella to wear the dress they design and it gains a lot of attention. But the attention doesn't translate to sales. Gianni becomes very upset and begins to defile the dress before breaking down when he realizes he is losing his hearing. 

Shortly thereafter, Donatella informs the team that Gianni is suffering from a rare form of ear cancer and has handed over the company to her while he recovers in Miami. 

Meanwhile in San Diego, Andrew is working at a pharmacy and struggling to make ends meet. While out with Jeff, he is approached by an older man. This gives him to idea to apply at an escort agency. 

The agency doesn't hire him but he vows to make it. At a play, he meets Norman and his friend Lincoln. 

Lincoln and Andrew begin a relationship with specific terms. While in San Francisco, Andrew meets David by chance and the two share a night together on Lincoln's dime. 

Lincoln cuts Andrew out shortly thereafter. When Andrew goes to Lincoln's house to talk, he sees him there with another man who kills Lincoln. Andrew escapes but doesn't tell the police that he was there or what he saw. 

Later, Andrew convinces Norman to buy a house in California and live there with him. 

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