We were treated another huge revelation in “Adjustment Period.”
First of all, nobody we know died on the battlefield, but a life was hanging in the balance by the end of this Army Wives hour. And then there was Joan’s decision. Her heart-breaking decision, I should say.

Joan did exactly what I expected she would do. The bigger surprise was that I didn’t like the way Michael dismissed her as she attempted to explain her choice to retire. Of all people, with everything he has been through and lost, he should know decisions like hers are not made lightly. He started out with a family of four, and now has two. If someone had told him that a decision to retire from the Army would have given him his family back, would he have made it?
Although the Army wasn’t responsible for the loss of his family, Michael should have taken a moment to hear out Joan and think about family, her family and what it would be like for her to lose hers. Instead, he was dismissive and couldn’t look her in the eye. That’s not the Michael we’d come to love. Thus, his reconnect with Joan and their conversation had me smiling from ear to ear.
Joan: But, Roland has been there every step of the way, making sacrifices for my career. Now it’s time for me to support him and his dreams. I want to do this sir, for Roland, for my marriage and my family.
Michael: And I support that, wholeheartedly. And I would trade all these stars for one more day with Claudia Joy. I will miss you, but I will always be proud of you. Carry on Colonel. | permalink
It would appear we’re in for another goodbye. I can only hope that Roland comes back and the Burtons get a fitting sendoff. It’s kind of hard to believe the original cast had dwindled down to Denise, Frank and Michael. But I also give kudos to the show for doing that because it’s commonly done on British shows with great success, one that stay on the air for decades. Here’s to an even longer ride with an ever changing cast.
As the soldiers come home, they all have their crosses to bear and each goes about it in a different way. Patrick wishes for Gloria, as Hector tells her that pushing her away was the biggest mistake of his life. Eddie tries not to think about the friends he lost and makes love to Maggie through his broken ribs. Holly attempts to seduce Tim but he’s a changed young man, the once fun-loving boy filled with deep secrets he couldn’t possibly share with his wife. Denise picks up the pieces of the lives of those women left behind and pays visits to the grieving, a job once done so well by Claudia Joy.
The soldiers barely have a moment to return to their lives and they are back in training. Apparently DUIs are running rampant in their return, but at least one man is getting his act together. Hector not only immediately paid his son a visit, he was promoted to Corporal. It would appear he’s doing all the right things to get his chance at wooing Gloria. If Patrick is going off to Ranger school, we’ll have a full fledged love triangle on our hands.
Could it have been more awkward when Patrick showed up at Holly’s to see Gloria? Doesn’t anyone use the phone to make a simple phone call first? I guess it’s easier to just pop over to someone’s house in a small place like an Army base, but let that moment be a lesson to us all. Make that call to see if it’s a good time. Gloria went to dinner with Hector and dropped her back at The Hump, where she’s hanging waiting for her apartment to be ready.
Patrick was unable to sleep and standing in the open doorway. As Gloria slept and The Hump caught on fire, I wondered: was that inability to sleep noted because we were to believe Patrick might take a drive to the bar? But he thinks she’s staying at Holly’s. Perhaps he will see flames. Certainly either Hector or Patrick is going to go save Gloria. We aren’t losing another player before the end of Army Wives Season 7, not with a love triangle hanging in the balance. That’s not a question. It’s a fact, dammit.
Finally, I hate that we see so little of Frank. He is so wise, and his comment about wondering what history will note about their war was well thought out. I want the adults home. Bring back Frank and Kevin please!