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Arrested Development Season 4: More Episodes to Come!

Netflix has given Arrested Development fans even more reasons to do the chicken dance.

Sources tell Deadline that production has temporarily halted on the beloved sitcom’s fourth season because Netflix and creator Mitch Hurwitz have agreed to expand the show’s episode order beyond 10.

With additional footage already shot and Hurwitz having come up with new martial, the company and the producer are attempting to figure out how many new installments will be added; the final order is expected to land between 12 and 15.

“We are thrilled with the direction of the show, with the footage we have seen and with the relationship between Mitch, Imagine, 20th and Netflix,” a Netflix spokeswoman said. “At this time, we are not confirming or announcing the final episode count but we are sure fans will be thrilled when we do.”

The sitcom will return some time this spring and, in the meantime, you can re-familiarize yourself with its brilliance via our Arrested Development quotes section.

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