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Arrow Season 7 Episode 19 Review: Spartan

Critic's Rating: 4.2 / 5.0

Team Arrow: a group of vigilantes turned superheroes who have some serious daddy issues. 

Oliver & Co. recruited a former Ghostbuster in an attempt to find Emiko on Arrow Season 7 Episode 19, and in turn helped Diggle deal with some of his issues with his stepdad.

General (Tall) - Arrow Season 7 Episode 19
(Jack Rowand/The CW)

Arrow Season 7 for John Diggle has not been a kind one. He's had little to no story arc, and the ARCHER story arc he did have was blander than non-seasoned chicken breast. 

After enduring such horrendous treatment, it was high time that Diggle get an episode like "Spartan" to remind us why we all fell in love with the former soldier in the first place. 

Related: Arrow Season 7 Episode 18 Review: The Lost Canary 

Diggle's backstory has been explored quite a bit throughout the show's run, but his relationship with his stepdad rarely got discussed. After seven seasons we finally got an answer as to why Diggle is the man he is. 

And that's all due to General Stewart, even if Diggle would have never admitted that until now. 

Whether daddy issues was meant to be a running theme on Arrow is something only the showrunners know, but I'm glad Diggle and Stewart managed to resolve these issues within the confines of "Spartan." 

Long Time Coming  - Arrow Season 7 Episode 19
(Jack Rowand/The CW)

Oliver and Felicity's respective daddy issues are things neither individual will ever be fully able to resolve. Diggle, on the other hand, managed to heal all of his wounds and feelings he has been suppressing with just a simple conversation. 

If only more people had heart-to-hearts like Diggle and Stewart had, the world would be a much better place. 

Diggle: Why did you let me believe a lie?

General Stewart: Every child deserves to believe his father is a hero, and believing it, you became one. If he could see you today, I know he would be so proud of you.

Diggle: If I’m a hero, it’s all because of you. Sir.

🔗 permalink: If I’m a hero, it’s all because of you. Sir.

Throwing people into working with Team Arrow is always a hit or miss situation, but fortunately, Stewart was a massive hit, and it would be great for both Arrow and Diggle if he continued to work with Team Arrow every once in a while. 

Diggle hasn't seen much character growth since Arrow's early seasons, and it's easy to forget how important of a role he plays on the team. Without Diggle, Team Arrow would be missing its heart and soul. 

While it was long overdue, I'm just glad Diggle finally got the proper attention he deserved after such a disappointing season for him. 

Secrets  - Arrow Season 7 Episode 19
(Jack Rowand/The CW)

The upcoming eighth and final season of Arrow will also be a disappointing one for Olicity Fanatics, now that Emily Bett Rickards is departing the show at the end of Arrow Season 7. 

It seems like Arrow is attempting to replace that void with a new possible power couple that if given a chance, could fill the gaping hole Olicity will be leaving behind. 

John Diggle Sr. wasn't the only Diggle man who had his moment in the spotlight on "Spartan." Both of his sons played pivotal roles in the future timeline, and continue to build intrigue for what's to come. 

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We've yet to learn how exactly Connor Hawk becomes Diggle's son, but it's clear he's like a carbon copy of his father. Connor is loyal to a fault and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect those he cares about. 

The priorities in his life are continuously shifting thanks to a Mia Queen. Connor and Mia's relationship is a special one that I anticipate will play a massive role on Arrow's final season. 

Connor  - Arrow Season 7 Episode 19
(Jack Rowand/The CW)

They share a deep connection despite not knowing a ton about each other. It could be because of the strong bond formed between their fathers, but you can tell by the way they look at each other that their bond doesn't feel forced. It's organic. 

While we didn't get to witness it, it's clear Mia and Connor's connection goes way back, and while they have more important things to worry about than a will they/won't they romance, you can't fight chemistry forever. 

Soon enough these two are going to give in to their desires, and it's going to be steamy! 

Mia: I’m sorry.

Connor: It’s not your fault.

Mia: No, it’s just I got so mad at you for lying to me that I never thought about how much it sucked for you, and not having anybody to share things with.

Connor: Life…was unfair to both of us.

🔗 permalink: Life…was unfair to both of us.

They won't be able to measure up to Olicity simply because their love story has been given way more time to be told, but Mia and Connor will ensure that Arrow won't be lacking in the romance department in its final days. 

Speaking of final days let's discuss Felicity because as Arrow Season 7 winds down, so does her time on the show. It's a huge mystery regarding how exactly she will no longer be a part of Team Arrow, especially since we know she's alive in the future. 

Related: Emily Bett Rickards Breaks Down in Tears While Filming Final Scenes 

A brief conversation between Felicity and Alena dropped some hints as to where she could end up in the present timeline, and the reveal of how the helmets work hinted at her possible demise in the future timeline.  

Archer  - Arrow Season 7 Episode 19
(Jack Rowand/The CW)

In the present timeline, she discussed wanting to do something separate from Team Arrow and make a name for herself. Perhaps Felicity will leave Star City and work on a new project while also protecting her newborn child.

There are only a few logical reasons for her absence in the present timeline, and her being away for this particular reason could work, especially if being away protected young Mia. 

Felicity: I wanted to invent something that could save the city and instead I invented something that could destroy it. Oh my god, I’m a mad scientist. Oh my god no, it’s so much worse than that. Oh my god, oh my god…I’m my dad!

🔗 permalink: I wanted to invent something that could save the city and instead I invented something that…

As for the future, it wouldn't be a huge shock if Felicity gets murdered. That would make these Galaxy people seem like legitimate threats, which at the moment they don't feel like one just yet. 

Someone who could be a threat though is Alena. 

Related: Arrow Season 7 Episode 17 Review: Inheritance 

While all we saw was a passing look it seemed like she wasn't quite as ready as Felicity to give up on the Archer program, and since we know it's active in the future, we can assume she plays a role in that. 

The small, nerdy ones are always the ones you need to look out for, you know? They're evil geniuses in disguise. 

Alena  - Arrow Season 7 Episode 19
(Jack Rowand/The CW)

Even though Team Arrow's entire mission involved finding Emiko, she didn't play a major role on "Spartan" until the final few minutes where she had us questioning everything! 

Felicity: I wanted to invent something that could save the city and instead I invented something that could destroy it. Oh my god, I’m a mad scientist. Oh my god no, it’s so much worse than that. Oh my god, oh my god…I’m my dad!

🔗 permalink: I wanted to invent something that could save the city and instead I invented something that…

Her stabbing Dante was a turning point for her character, and now that she's no longer being manipulated, one has to wonder what her next move will be? 

It's highly doubtful that she'll become a good guy and join Team Arrow. This one action does have to give both Oliver and Rene some hope that she can be redeemed still. 

Olicity  - Arrow Season 7 Episode 19
(Jack Rowand/The CW)

I highly doubt that's the case though. If anything killing Dante was the final step she needed to take before completely embracing her role as the leader of the Ninth Circle.

She can now do anything she wants without having someone whisper in her ear, and that means she's more dangerous than ever. 

Arrow Cast Reacts to News of the Show's Final Season

What did you think of "Spartan"? 

How did you feel about Diggle and General Stewart's relationship? Did you think they solved their issues too quickly or was it a nice change of pace? 

Could Mia and Connor be the new powerhouse couple for Arrow Season 8? 

Who do you think is behind the invention of those Galaxy masks? 

What do you think Emiko will do next now that she killed Dante? 

How do you think Felicity will get written off of Arrow? 

Let us know in the comments below and if you need to catch up, make sure to watch Arrow online right here on TV Fanatic

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