The stakes have been raised like never before on Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 15.
With Gravedigger injected with the powers of many metahumans, Freeland is facing the full strength of their toughest enemy. Now, their self-contained battle is a full-scale war with an unstoppable foe. (Talk about pressure!)
Black Lightning, Thunder, and The Outsiders have their biggest battle yet. For now, it's the not-so-calm period before the storm.

Jefferson had the right level of caution in mind regarding Gravedigger and the Markovians.
This is their biggest fight yet and they're facing a metahuman who is stronger than all of them. It's not just a metahuman … it's THE metahuman. Gravedigger is power-packed with plenty of abilities; he's now an unpredictable force.
The right mindset for this battle is arming the forces just in case the worst happens. Jefferson has fought plenty of fights before, so he has some experience with taking down enemies and defending large areas.
I agreed with him in that regard.

On the other hand, Gambi had a point about utilizing the powers of the team.
Jennifer is the strongest member of The Outsiders; her powers can achieve the equivalent of the sun! Jefferson should be using her strength to match Gravedigger's and subdue many of the enemy forces.
Gambi: I actually agree with her. It doesn’t make sense to keep your most powerful Meta off the frontline unless…
Jefferson: Unless what?!
Gambi: Unless you don’t think you can beat Gravedigger either!
🔗 permalink: Unless you don’t think you can beat Gravedigger either!
Sure, he wants to protect his daughter, but he has to start thinking like Black Lightning instead of Jefferson. Nothing will stop Gravedigger and the Markovians from killing everyone if they're unprepared.
Lightning could've been the key piece had she been properly set-up for her role instead of serving as back-up.

Though, even with this assessment, Jennifer shouldn't have disobeyed orders and gone off alone. She nearly got herself killed yet again with her reckless actions.
Just because she's the most powerful in the group, it doesn't mean she can defeat enemies alone.
This lesson has been taught multiple times now, especially after her vendetta to kill Tobias. Teamwork makes the dream work, and The Outsiders are stronger when they work together.
Why does she keep embracing this solo hero complex?
This trend must be a Pierce family trait. Jefferson, Lynn, Anissa, and Jefferson are so stubborn when it comes to their hero mentality and doing actions for good. They keep falling for this same trap.

Anissa and Grace gave the shippers everything we hoped for these last two seasons.
Seriously, they made it to the alter! They didn't get married because of bad luck, but they made it there. And, there's now the beautiful scene of them walking down the stairs in matching white outfits for their wedding.
How did they get two perfectly coordinated white outfits in such a short time? It doesn't matter. The logic went out of the window for the power of shipping!
Lynn: I’m so happy you’ve found someone to marry, but I have to admit…
Grace: It’s happening fast, Mom, I know.
Lynn: I don’t know anything about Grace.
Grace: All you need to know is that I love her.
🔗 permalink: I don’t know anything about Grace.
It's great that Anissa finally settled down and acknowledged what she wanted in life. Sure, she rushed into it like every one of her actions, but there seemed to be more thought put behind this case. She knew that Grace was the one.
Love brought them together and helped achieve their arc: Anissa found love and Grace created a family that she never had. Plus, we now have the iconic GIFs of Lynn and Jefferson looking shocked at the news. We all walked away as winners.

Does anyone else think that Grace is going to die?
During the review for Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 14, I had guessed that Grace's days were numbered due to the amount of foreshadowing. It's happened a few times these last few weeks, and now it's come up again.
Grace and Anissa keep bringing up their wish to spend the rest of their lives together. Between that and the emotional dialogue between them, Black Lightning is setting us up for an emotional climax.
Something is going to happen that will tear this couple apart. I don't want it to happen, but the foreshadowing is too strong at this point.
Let it not be true!

Khalil's own worst enemy is himself; in addition to Painkiller hiding away in his mind. If Khalil had not dwelled on Painkiller, would his inner enemy have been freed?
The battle with the Markovian troops triggered the need for Painkiller to emerge and save the day. However, Khalil's mind opened that door like a switch and let him out to deliver some damage.
Painkiller: Any time you’ve got something difficult coming. Any time you’ve really had to dig deep. Any time it was life or death. That was me that got you through it.
Khalil: That’s not true. I did that on my own.
🔗 permalink: Any time it was life or death. That was me that got you through it.
Khalil has been so focused on shutting out Painkiller that his obsession with the door has made it easy for it to be opened yet again.
With Painkiller now free again, this might be the turning point that there is no going on back for the character. Painkiller can't be controlled, so unless the chip is whipped away completely or Khalil/Painkiller would have to die. The latter would be terrible since we just got him back.
Is there any way Khalil could make it through?

Lady Eve's meeting with Agent Odell confused me after her recent reunion with Gambi.
Didn't she want to see the ASA be destroyed and shutdown? Why does she all of the sudden want back in and her spot on the Shadow Board?
Power is great and all, but her urge for revenge seemed more satisfying in the long-run. She purposely gave Gambi the briefcase to complete that goal. If she wanted the safety and the seat, she could've handed over the briefcase to get everything she wanted.
There could be a bigger scheme happening in the works with all these meetings. Lady Eve might be plotting Agent Odell's downfall, but she's working to get her powerful spot as the prize as she rises from the ashes.
We shouldn't put it past her to plan a betrayal-within-a-betrayal.

The same goes for Lala. His days are numbered if he continues to go after Lady Eve and overstep his boundaries/harm her minions.
I can't wait until he's reunited with Tobias because this storyline needs to end.
He wants his revenge, he'll do whatever it takes to kill Tobias, and he has newfound powers to get the job done. Lala has kept his narrative going throughout Black Lightning Season 3 to get his enemy, but there hadn't been much progress to make it happen.
Now, they're getting closer to the fateful reunion and someone will most likely bite the dust. Who do you think it will be: Lala vs. Tobias?
The odds are Tobias will survive. He recently found out about Jefferson's true identity and there's more story to his connection with Lynn. Tobias's days of fighting Black Lightning are most likely far from over.

Last Thoughts Lightning Round:
Erika totally has a crush on T.C. too. They're both being cool about it, but she kinda digs him.
- Jefferson's family connection to Gravedigger changes everything! The truth of the past will no doubt explain a lot for how the family prospered and Gravedigger stayed away in Markovia.
T.C.: Yeah, I’ve never even kissed a girl.
Erika: Really?
T.C.: What?
Erika: Did you just use the fact that we might die tomorrow to scam a kiss?
T.C.: Yes, I did. But, it’s true. I never kissed a girl. You can’t be mad with that. It was worth a shot.
[Erika lightly kisses T.C.]
T.C.: Ok.
Erika: Now you can die happy.
T.C.: Does that mean you like me?
Erika: That means I took pity on you.
T.C.: Does that count though? I wasn’t ready…
Erika: You’re not getting another kiss.
🔗 permalink: You’re not getting another kiss.
Brandon has reached new levels of annoying. Yes, he wants to get revenge on Dr. Jace, but there are bigger issues going on! He needs to stop acting like a bratty child.
What is it with everyone's fascination with recording themselves on Black Lightning Season 3?
- Trying to recruit Lala for the war was a surprise. He doesn't do anything unless he comes up with the plan himself.

Now, over to you, Black Lightning fans!
What did you think of "The Book of War: Chapter Two"?
What information will Dr. Jace share with Brandon? Will Black Lightning defeat Gravedigger? Will Painkiller succeed in attacking the Pierces?
If you missed the latest episode of Black Lightning, you can watch Black Lightning online via TV Fanatic. Come back here and share your thoughts in the comments.