At the cemetery, Danny is talking to Linda's grave. He is recalling their first road trip and how he knew that day that he wanted to marry her. He misses her. Some woman with a gun goes after him.
Meanwhile, Eddie meets her obnoxious new partner who refuses to call her Janko and thinks she's ashamed of being a Reagan.
Erin and Anthony must walk past a press conference insinuating Erin is on a witch hunt.
Eddie and her new partner arrive on the scene at a robbery. A guy is cuffed to the counter. The owner says a good Samaritan made a citizen's arrest but didn't leave a name. The cops want to look at security footage.
Frank goes to the hospital to visit an injured cop. It's Joe. Joe says he didn't see the guy who hurt him. Frank doesn't believe that. Joe thinks it was a guy who hates cops. Frank wonders if it was personal. Joe doesn't want Frank to investigate or the family know. He wants Frank to pretend he's just any old cop.
Jamie comes up to Danny and asks if he recognizes this woman. She was arrested a few hours ago. She was going to kill a cop. She was after Danny.
Jamie tells Danny that the woman almost killed Danny at the cemetery. Danny says he will take it from here. Jamie tells him he has to watch Danny's back. Orders from Sid. Danny is annoyed.
Abigail and Sid have learned who has attacked Joe. It is a perp who went away for four years after Joe testified against him.
Eddie is trying to get serial numbers on the cuffs. Her partner thinks they should leave this alone. Maybe there's a good reason for the guy to be anonymous. Anyway the serial numbers were from a batch sold to the NYPD.
At trial, Sandra's daughter cross examines Anthony. Erin redirects. There is no evidence that anyone else possessed the gun and there is an eyewitness.
Erin tries to prep Kimberly, who is tired and resentful.
Jamie and Danny question the suspect who says she wanted out of the gang because she's pregnant. She didn't finish the job so now both of their lies are in danger. Danny and Jamie say she has to work undercover to catch the gang leader who ordered the hit.
Frank has brought Joe bagels. Joe invites him in. Frank admits he asked Joe's mom about the bagels. He looks around the place. There are photos of Joe and his mom but none of his dad.
Frank says Joe lied about not seeing the perp. Joe says he is not considering street justice. Frank wants him to deal with this by the book. Joe says he will be seen as a dumbass cop and that when he makes arrests the guy always gets out, so his own version of justice is better. Frank suggests Joe decide what kind of cop he wants to be. Joe says he is a proactive cop and it has nothing to do with Frank or his dad. Frank thinks Joe needs him to tell him what to do after all.
Danny comes home and finds Jamie making his house safe. Danny doesn't like it.
Eddie comes to see Henry. She says she came to return his cuffs. What is he doing running around with cuffs and a gun? Henry has a concealed permit and that's why he has cuffs. Eddie doesn't want him arresting people.
Baez has found out the gang leader is Rojas' nephew. Jamie and Baez want to send Elana in with a wire. First they have to fake Danny's death. Danny is eager to get this over with.
Harris claims that exposing Kimberly on the stand is a way for Erin to steal her job. The judge allows this ridiculous line of questioning.
Sid has found out where the perp is. Frank wants him to stake out the house. If he has a gun on him he can be charged federally and bail reform won't apply.
Sid walks out and meets Joe, who is supposed to meet with Frank.
Joe comes in and insists on saluting. Frank won't let him sit. Joe hopes this isn't about the incident. Frank says they are close to making an arrest and then Joe will be asked to view a lineup. If he doesn't cooperate he will be suspended. He says he's treating Joe like any other cop. Joe salutes again.
Kimberly testifies. She IDs Sandra as the shooter.
Leticia Harris questions Kimberly about why she came forward now. The judge allows it. Kimberly admits she said she lied. Harris suggests that Erin opened the case to discredit Kimberly. Kimberly says she did think that.
Elana is given the phony photo. She worries about something going wrong. Jamie says she can have a safe word. She doesn't feel well and is worried about her kid. Danny says she will go into Witness Protection after this.
Sunday dinner! Erin wants more pie because of how the trial is going. She and Henry agree that if you try helping people you end up on trial yourself. Eddie says people should be honest. Frank says that depends on why a secret is being kept. He thinks the kids all sound whiny. Erin wishes she'd stayed out of this case. Eddie wishes she'd stayed out of hers. Frank says sitting on the sidelines is not in this family's DNA.
Jamie monitors as Elana goes in to see the perp. She presents the fake photo and says she killed Danny. Then says something in Spanish. Are they square? The perp says only if this is all over the news by tomorrow. She uses the code phrase and the cops move in. Danny exchanges gunfire with a perp and hits him. The cops search and find a trap door. The perp is gone.
Baez is looking for Elana. Danny is worried that Elana will be killed.
The perp is threatening Elana. She says she's not afraid of him and beats him up as the cops come in. Elana won't drop the knife. Danny says don't go down with him. Elana reveals the perp raped her and is the father. Danny and Jamie talk her down and arrest the perp. Elana hopes her son turns out like Danny.
After the lineup, Anthony and Joe agree that the Reagans are holier than thou. Anthony says he used to think they weren't for real but then figured out they weren't faking and he wished he had a family like that. He thinks Joe is lucky to have them as his family.
Eddie tells her partner she doesn't know who the cuffs belong to. Her partner thinks she wants to get someone in trouble. He leaves and another cop tells her the guy wants her to ask for a new partner so he doesn't have to ride with a Reagan.
Frank goes to see Joe again. Joe says he followed orders. Frank wants to thank him for IDing the guy. Joe says he was arrested on federal charges? Frank denies knowing anything about it. Frank gives Joe a photo of Joe Sr. He says Joe Sr would be proud of Joe. Joe asks if he can come to family dinner. Frank tells him to bring the dessert.
Jury is back in Erin's case. They find Sandra not guilty. Kimberly is sorry she lost the case. Erin thinks Kimberly threw the case. Kimberly thinks Erin wanted to drag her name through the mud so she can become DA.
Eddie isn't sure about this. Jamie says it'll be great. They have lost home video footage. It's security footage showing Henry stopping the robber. Frank says he knew about this already. Everyone thinks Henry is a hero. Henry doesn't want to be lectured. No one wants to lecture him. Henry says it felt good to feel relevant for a minute. Frank tells him he is irreplaceable.