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Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 21 Recap: Forgive Us Our Trespasses

Danny and Baez arrice at the scene of a gruesome murder. The girl's mother keeps calling. Danny sends him to make the notification. The victim looks like one of Dr. Walker's but he's in Bellehaven. Another victim is found — looks like a copycat.

On a podcast, Mayor Chase announces that the cops will be talking homeless people into handcuffs so they can be moved to shelters. Frank has a press conference where he says they can't do that.

Eddie helps a woman who is bleeding. Jamie chases and arrests the perp, who tells him that Erin has his back.

Frank and Garett argue. Garett doesn't like what Frank said. Frank says call the mayor and let him know I'm coming. He won't let Garett come and water down how insane this is. Garett is mad and says he's taking some vacation days.

Jack comes to see Erin. He heard she is announcing her run on Friday and wants to wish her luck. He will not be at the Bar Association dinner so that he isn't a distraction for the public. He goes and Anthony comes in and tells her about Jamie's case. He says the perp, Tyler Green, has not shown up for the program he is supposed to be doing in lieu of jail time.

Danny finds Jackie on the beach. She's a chief in a small town. She has a victim like Danny's. She won't let him take the case himself. She wants to work it together.  Baez calls. She learned Dr. Walker was released three weeks ago.

Chase says he can handle everything. He wants partners who get on board. He thinks Frank makes too many excuses and the world moves too fast. He says they're done. Frank insists on riding with him to his meeting with the governor.

Erin didn't know Walker was released. She says they can't charge him when there is no evidence. Jamie comes in to talk to her about Tyler Green. Erin is irked and tells them not to complain to her anymore.

Meanwhile, a homeless man attacks the motorcade and Chase accuses frank of setting it up to make a point. He demands an investigation.

Danny goes to talk to Dr. Walker who likes the color of a victim's nail polish. He claims not to recall confessing before.  Walker also claims that the killer is someone named Jeremy who Danny thinks is an alter ego.

Erin goes to talk to the victim who is angry at her and doesn't want to talk to her about the crime and thinks Erin doesn't care about victims.

Jamie apologizes and Erin doesn't want to talk to him right now. She says she's the only one not in the family business but it would be nice if anyone realized these things hit her hard too. She feels she has no one watching her back.

A psychiatrist claims that Walker was no longer a danger to society. He does confirm that Dr. Walker has DID.

Frank's team tells him that someone on the Mayor's security detail decided to detour and encouraged the guy to attack the motorcade. Sid says they have names of the officers involved. Frank is not interested.

A woman who was assaulted refuses to help the cops because she says Tyler will be released and go after her. Eddie notices she has a gang tattoo. So did Louise. Jamie realizes this all might be gang initiation.

Frank goes to Mayor Chase who wants to know which cops were involved. Frank won't tell him and says it's an ongoing investigation. Chase says if Frank doesn't join him at the podium tomorrow he will tell the press who the cops were who messed with him.

Jackie finds Danny at a stakeout and brings him coffee. Danny gets a call that a victim was found even though Danny is watching Walker.

Erin has to push through the press. Without Louise's cooperation Tyler won't get punished and it's because of her. Anthony says Erin couldn't know this was going to happen. Once the election is over she won't have to deal with this anymore. She won't have time to deal with victims — wasn't that what she wanted?

Baez says Walker called the squad to tell them to wish Danny a good night as he saw him outside his house.

Erin talks to a defense attorney who implies she'll screw over the victim if she doesn't take a deal.

7 years ago Walker's mom went missing. Danny says they will play his game.

Walker and Danny sit and wait for a lawyer. Danny starts talking about how hair lasts a long time in a bag. He claims the hair belongs to Walker's mother. He gets nowhere but Baez says Jackie has got them a warrant for a house belonging to Walker's mother.

The victim is all defensive with the cops. She eventually says she's trying to protect her son and that she got beat up trying to get out of the gang.

Mayor Chase quotes the Statue of Liberty. Frank asks the Archbishop if it is a sin to give in to blackmail or a virtue to defy it. Archbishop Kearns doesn't know. Frankg ives his time away to the Archibishop who blesses the new intake center. After the Archbishop tells Chase he needs to respect Frank who has been in his position for 22 years to Chase's three. He wants the two of them to lead together.

The cops find food in the fridge and the electricity turned on. Danny and Jackie check out the garage with a dog. The dog barks at a wall. It's a false wall and the remains of the mother are behind it.

Jack shows up along with Jamie, Anthony, and Eddie. They all want to support Erin. She got her indictment and thanks everyone. She decides to face the press and gives a statement. She also announces she is not going to run after all.

Frank comes to see Garrett and asks how his vacation was. Garrett had a wonderful staycation. Frank knows he went to the cathedral. Garrett says Frank needs a wingman whether he likes it or not.

Walker is MIA. A woman shows up looking for Jackie. She has a book that shows that Walker dresses as a Con Ed guy. Jackie's lights go out so she hangs up. Danny calls back and hears Walker attack Jackie. He and Baez rush over. Jackie is on the floor but Walker is gone. Danny goes running out but he can't find Walker.

Jackie and Danny say goodbye. Baez watches them hug. Danny tells her he's right where he wants to be.

At family dinner Nicky asks Erin if she's sure about this. She is, though she is sorry that Jack and Nicky came home for nothing. Frank is glad they are there. 

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