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Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 5 Recap: Bad Faith

Jamie arrives at the scene of a homicide. He recognizes the victim as a gang member he's dealt with before. He finds a hidden compartment in the guy's car but it is empty.

Garrett and Sid interrupt Frank while he is having his coffee. Terry Friendly of the Teamsters wants to poach cops for his union. Frank knows him. However he has talked to everyone except Frank. Frank says in principle he's for this. It would give the cops real bargaining power. Garett says and that's why City Hall is against it. Frank says he's a cop at heart.

Danny and Baez arrive at the scene of an assault in little Cietnam. The man insists he fell and won't talk. The daughter tells them her father doesn't trust anyone non-Vietnamese. The security footage cut out before the assault. Danny knows someone who could help.

Erin has been called in on a case involving horses being given perforamnce-enhancing drugs. There is a witness but he has  not been cooperative so far.

Erin and Anthony question the witness who says Rafferty is backed by bad people and Baxter might have been killed. He feels bad about the horses, but he isn't interested in being killed too.

Danny comes to see Sonny. He says he owes him. Sonny has heard about a bad guy who is terrorizing the negihborhood and won't stop til he has it all.

Jamie questions a gang member named Derek. Derek says he has nothing to say. Jamie tells his boss this guy is involved but his boss says there is no evidence.

Erin tells her FBI contact that Vorhes doesn't want to testify. The woman says make him or I'll find someone who can.

Danny and Baez confront a Vietnamese mob boss and get nowhere.

Frank meets with Terry who asks if Erin remarried. Frank jokes that Erin asked the same thing (he made it up). He will pass on the compliment is surprised that Frank wanted to meet in public. Frank says the game apparently started without him. Terry says PC doesn't have a say.  He says the cops don't have proper contracts. The Teamsters could look out for the cops. Frank has to like the odds. Frank isn't sure he's for it. Terry says that's why he kept him out of it. He knows Frank has a lot of trouble with Mayor Chase. He says he has always been happy for Terry's success.

Erin and Anthony confront Vorhes at the track and says the US Attorney wants to prosecute for insider info if he doesn't testify. He says this is a jam job. He says he just took an opportunity. He complains about the lack of choice in this scenario.

Jamie talks to a guy named Fuentes who says he isn't in the gang anymore.  He claims that it's not illegal to install traps and what people do with them is not his business.  He has nothing to say.

Erin confronts Rafferty and informs him she's taking him down for his poisoning of horses. He says they're welcome to try. Vorhes says that the people will hire Rafferty anyway because he gets results even if the horses end up dead. Erin tell shim the US Attorney won't budge. He says that they're the good guys acting like bad guys. He has screwed up a lot and there's always someone like Rafferty in the way of him turning his life around so he'll testify.

The man in little Vietnam has now been fatally shot. His daughter comes in sobbing and has to be removed from the scene.

Jamie's boss wants to see him. He's not happy that Jamie ordered a surveillance team against his orders. He tells him to drop it or suffer the consequences.

Danny accuses Sonny of being involved in the murder.

Erin whispers that testifying is dangerous for Vorhees. Anthony says Phelps is the weak link. Maybe they can make their case without Vorhees.

Jamie bothers Fuentes again. He has a photo of Fuertes with Derek. He says Las Pelotas hires him to install traps. But Savage Rascals will kill his son if he doesn't also install GPS trackers so they can rob the vehicles.

Sonny wants to know if Danny really thinks he killed that old man. He says he worked for the Feds, turned his life around. What does he have to do to make Danny believe him? He says Tran just made a play for his cafe. He will wear a wire so Danny can take him down.

At Sunday dinner, Henry says he never looked at the unions like this. Frank says they think of themselves as brothers in blue and not as members of a union. Erin says the unions were created by Irish men and they don't want to hace to clear it with a boss before they slam a political candidate. Danny wants to know Frank's position. Frank says he has no say and he's both for and against it. He says he's for strengtrh in numbers but not for conflicts of interest or being against the mayor.

Frank tells Terry he doesn't have a role. Terry says you've served 16 years and cops want to know what you think. They'll think that you're scared of Chase. No mayor wants a strong union. Frank says he thought he wanted to keep him out of the crossfire. Terry says your people won't move on this without you weighing in.  He wants Frank to stand up for the union. Frank says he appreciates the invitation but no.

Jamie coordinates an operation with some other cops. They witness a guy breaking into a car and stealing drugs from a trap. Jamie tells the cops to take him. Meanwhile Jamie chases Derek, who has driven off at high speed. The chase takes place on a very snowy road. Jamie manages to run Derek's car off the road and ends up shooting him when Derek shoots at him.

Erin talks to Phelps and his lawyers. They question him about Baxter's disappearance They offer him a deal and his lawyer says he's not charged with anything else. They say they can link him to some other dead horses in Florida. Erin says she is investigating those deaths.  The lawyer says they need time. Erin says give them Rafferty and his cooperation will be noted.  He says he never meant to hurt the animals.

Jamie's  boss is still upset that he didn't listen to him. He took down tow gangs but they have to discuss the consequences. Jamie says he appreciated working for intel. His boss says he's promoting him and he's not looking for order-followers. He wants people who will do their jobs even if he doesn't approve.

The US Attorney is impressed with Erin, but Erin feels she engaged in extortion. The US Attorney says til next time but Erin is not interested in working for her again.

Anthony has bad news: Voorhees has been murdered. The bad guys had a photo of Vorhees with them. Anthony says it's not on them.

Sonny says he is not selling to Tran. Tran says you should reconsider. Trans and his guys take out guns and say they killed the other guy because he didn't sell. The cops burst in, leading to a gunfight. Sonny takes Trans down.

Frank attends the meeting with the Teamsters.  He stops in the middle of his speech and closes the binder. He says he has three words: The Taylor Law. Cops are not allowed to go on strike. So the greatest weapon the Teamsters have are off-limits to cops. Does it matter how good your cornerman is if you step in the ring with your hands tied behind your back? He says he has no vote but thinks they should consider the facts.

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